Tennis elbow - epicondylitis best treatment

My friend has a tennis elbow on his right arm… he wears the little gadget thing and the doc said to calm down with this arm but :

What are the best treament/remedy/therapy you guys think it’s best to come back to riding and doing chores at the barn as fast as possible? He’ll take the time it needs to heal but you know guys and riders… we can’t stand being on stall rest!!!

So do I just give him Reserpine IV? (:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: hahaha!)

An injection to the joint works immediate relief. Plus PT. a single session to learn the proper method of stretching. Then faithful adherence to the program… I’m still on the stretching program.

I do wear the arm band when doing any heavy use of the arm.

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Yeah I had my elbow injected and it did help eventually. For about four hours afterwards I considered chewing my arm off though, holy hell that hurt! The next time I got it I skipped the shot and just got PT. My PT had some sort of device that he put Dex on a patch and stuck the patch on the spot and hooked it up to a battery of some sort. I have no idea what that therapy was called but it helped as did ultrasound. I got more relief from the back on track elbow brace than the one that presses on the tendon

I shockwaved mine (yes, with the vet’s machine lol) and it fixed for a long time.

I have dealt with this for YEARS in both arms on and off. Started in one arm/elbow in my late teens after putting up a bunch of fencing and nailing LOTs of oak boards. Big nails required a big heavy hammer. When one arm is affected we will use the other arm much more to compensate. We become ambidextrous pretty quickly. Then that elbow “goes”. Not much different than a horse’s legs.

I have had a number of doctors look at it over the years. There’s really nothing that can be done other than REST, controlled use. Not much different that a horse with tendon/ligament issues. Massaging seemed to help. Yes, the doctors recommended those “elbow bands”. They don’t do much. I’ve have been told that US helps. But I didn’t find the cost merited the “relief”.

Besides Tennis, baseball players develop issues also. Esp pitchers. I read an article a few years ago that said PRP procedure is done for it. But the cost is absurd just like the majority of human medical procedures. Seem to remember the article saying something like $25,000??? Outrageous considering the procedure is done exactly the same as with a horse. I have had several PRPs done on horses. It cost around $1,000±.

Mine only went away when I left the farm side of horses and made my living on the business side of horses. IMO and experience the only way to get rid of it is rest. Like at least a year. Mine still flares up from time to time since going back to the farm side of things. I just “grin and bear it”. I use Voltaren, the human equivalent of Surpass but much cheaper. Cuts the pain/ache down considerably. And massage the heck out of the joint/tendon at night while watching TV.