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Tense hips/upper thighs

I found the first article - how do I find the rest? (yes, I searched the site.)[/QUOTE]

Here is the second one: http://www.horsenation.com/2012/05/02/fit-to-ride-the-sitting-trot-part-ii/

And the third: http://www.horsenation.com/2012/05/09/fit-to-ride-the-sitting-trot-part-iii/

I don’t think I have seen sitting trot and the mechanics of it explained any better. She shows very clearly how you SHOULD be moving in the saddle during the trot, and how the “move with your horse” is kind of a bunch of BS. And if you know how to move your hips, you will stay relaxed because the movement of the horse will be so much more comfortable.

I even got a “Your horse looks so comfortable to sit!” the other day. She isn’t all that comfortable, at least she wasn’t when I wasn’t in synch with her.

In addition to all the exercise options (I’m a pilates/yoga fan) if you can arrange to take longe line lessons that will also help. Nothing like a bunch of “thigh lifts” and endless reminders. I still sometimes tense up without thinking; takes a long time for the muscle memory to forget, lol.