Terrible Spring Allergies

Does anyone have advice for those with terrible spring allergies? I live in the south where pollen is off the charts (literally)… and even on days I don’t go to the barn I am miserable. I take an otc allergy medicine every morning and use an allergy nasal spray. Don’t even get me started on how itchy my eyes get :eek: going to the barn during the month of April is pretty much impossible unless I want to be disabled for the rest of the day and usually into the next day. I tried allergy shots for two years and saw no difference at all. I couldn’t find any recent threads so I started my own. Help!!!

I also have horrible allergies. This time of year I take two different antihistamines with the okay from my doctor. I take Claritin in the morning and Zyrtec in the evening. I also make sure I use a sinus rinse and eye wash every time I come indoors after being out in the barn or doing yard work and shower at night before bed.


So sorry you have such bad allergies. I know it can totally mess up your life. I had that problem when I moved to Colorado–in the summer when a couple of invasive weeds started spewing pollen, I was a wreck. It gradually eased off, but didn’t completely resolve until I moved away. Ironically, I am in the South now (coastal South Carolina) and, other than all people, animals and things wearing a yellow-green coat all spring, allergies are no longer a big deal for me. I think it’s a personal quirk, having to do with not doing well in low humidity. I have no words of wisdom for you, but just wanted to commiserate as I know how awful it can be.


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I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who suffers :o I’ll definitely stop by the store and get some eye and nasal rinse, thanks y’all :smiley:

I have horrible allergies in spring too. I also take two allergy medicines this time of year - Zyrtec (before bed) and just a regular antihistamine (bright pink generic pill) in the morning - sometimes again at lunch. I also use generic Flonaise mid-day and a generic decongestant pill at night.

My mom (also has bad spring allergies) swears by her netty pot - a nose rinse system. I’ve never been brave enough to buy and try one, thinking I’ll drown or choke… which is probably silly. Anyway, they clean your sinuses out.

Haha my mom also uses one of the sinus rinses and keeps hugging me to try one :lol: I’ve always been scared to try it too but one week into April and not being able to go to the barn I’m willing to try anything :yes:

The suggestions of different sinus pills, flonase or qnasal inhalers, the sinus rinse and nasal decongestant are all great. I have also had good luck eating a heaping tablespoon of locally grown honey every day. It is said that this gets your system used to the local pollens. It takes a bit of time to work but it helped me.

Buy ketotifen eye drops. They last 8 hours and they are the only drops that work. All the redness relievers and lubricating eye drops do not work.

I also take a spoonful of local raw honey every morning. Does seem to help! I’m just south of Atlanta, so know what you mean!

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welcome to global warning and yes I live in the south and absolutely grounded by allergies. The anti histamines stop my nasal symptoms but the brain fog and fatigue is so disabling. Allergy season is staring earlier every year and with all this rain the plants are going wild with joy, their happiness is our misery. I’m stuck inside and thinking I may need to move to the beach,
Even the dog is sneezing !

I have terrible allergies too…I use Allegra D and when really bad a nasal spry. I use different eye drops but will try the Ketotifin one I think. Working outside is tough so once it’s warm I will close the windows and put in the air conditioner until the pollen is no longer a thick green cloud.

I’ve started an eye rinse 2-3 times a day, local honey, nasal rinse at night, one of the generic allergy meds in the morning (not sure of the name brand), Benadryl at night, and I seem to be doing much better :lol: meanwhile by boyfriend works outside all day, rides with his windows down…and shows no allergy symptoms whatsoever :confused:

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