I’m submitting this on behalf of another member who e-mailed me. She has been using the same PC and browser, as I understand it, for months, so that’s not a variable. (I presume it is a recent version of IE.)
In terms of viewing and navigating, receiving PM’s, etc., everything is just fine.
Starting suddenly last month when she would log in and attempt to reply to a message, the reply function would appear to work just fine and she would fill the box with text and use editing commands as usual. However when it came time to post that reply and she clicked the “submit” button, she would receive an error message stating to the effect that it is necessary for there to be at least one character for a message to be posted. The system did not recognize the text – in some cases several paragraphs – that she had typed.
Believe this also worked the same when she attempting to start a new thread or send e-mail. Sort of a ‘read-only’ situation across the board, so to speak.
She has not been able to attempt to access and post on the system from a different PC to eliminate the variable that there is some problem specifically with her account, although there is no reason to believe her account is not in good standing. (This explains, of course, why she hasn’t herself been able to inquire through the system.)
Any suggestions for next steps in resolving this strange posting problem? Maybe browser setting or user preference changes or such?