Thank you!

About a month ago I was taken to the emergency room on a backboard and MRI diagnosed herniated disc L4-L5 and arthritis in spine. Emergency room Doctor said I should not ride again! I took the prescribed 3 days off from work, found a doctor and began physical therapy. This forum and all of you that have shared your experiences have encouraged me! Many of you have experienced or are experiencing much greater health issues than mine and can do attitude is inspiring. I have ridden my mare 4 times since the emergency room visit, the first 2 times with a good deal of discomfort afterward but this weekend I rode both days for 45 minutes with some trotting and feel pretty good. I iced my back down when I finished. Not riding again is not an option - riding helps me feel good about who I am and I feel blessed to be feeling better. Thank you again to all who have shared of yourself!


Congratulations on your rides!!! You must feel great…emotionally anyway :winkgrin: I had a car accident in August and I’m finally stable enough to go for my first real ride on Wednesday on a school pony at my trainer’s. I tried at home on my gelding with not so great results several months ago. My fingers are crossed that Wednesday will be the magical day :slight_smile:
Keep riding and getting stronger :yes: You’ll be in my thoughts!

Thanks Beth! Have a wonderful day Wednesday.

Good for you!! That’s great! As long as you take measures to protect yourself, and do things before and after riding that will help your back, you should always go for it!! I had the asme reaction as you when at the age of 15 a rheumatologist told me I could go to school and lay in bed, that I couldn’t ride, and probably wouldn’t be able to go to college. I looked at my parents and told them that I would be riding, if thing were that bad that it was life-threatening, I’d rather go out on my horse, than laying in my bed…

Congratulations, I hope you are able to keep riding & having your back do ok.