I don’t know what it means, but it’s interesting he almost always adjusts so he can go over the pole left front first. He did step right front from that raised one he did from the stop. But all the others from a walk were left front even if it was an awkward adjustment.
Oh, interesting. Here’s the second pass through the low poles, which I cut because the upload kept timing out:
He steps over with the right first two out of three times with no adjustments, for whatever that’s worth.
I hope you get some answers and some much needed good news at your appointment.
You wrote something in your blog once (or maybe it was here on COTH) about how every solution on the farm creates new problems. Those wise words ring true yet again.
I think at this point it’s pretty obvious you should just give him to me. HA!
He looks really good, and so glad to hear he is sound.
Can you put a few ground poles down so he has to walk over 3-ish? I’d love to see how he takes on that task.
Any update?
Thanks for asking! Nothing new on the neuro front. He’s sound and fabulous though! Our appt at NBC is the week after next but it’s becoming a very close call with my truck, which only just made it from the mechanic to the body shop after a freakin month. I’m worried I might have to reschedule and might be lucky to get an appt in Feb at this point. Grrrrrr.
Also here is video of him walking over multiple poles… @starsandsun, your wish is my command:
He looks fantastic! I honestly can’t see a reason to go back to NBC and spend a zillion dollars at this point. Am I missing something?
I was reminded yesterday that about a year ago, I could not walk my boy over 3 groundpoles - as in, literally on the ground. He would misstep, hit them, otherwise not be able to do it. Yesterday, we rode over a series that were raised, all at different heights, and he cleared them easily and multiple times. It’s because his body finally feels better; I am convinced of it.
I’m not an expert, but his topline looks really soft and swinging. He seems very comfortable! (and of course, I’m happy to take him LOL)
My belief is that ‘neuro’ is tossed around waaaay too much without appropriate consideration of back/SI pain.
I totally agree. Personally, I’d save my dollars, enjoy my cute horse, and only investigate if I saw any more serious/concerning signs.
Since he’s insured I’m worried there will be consequences if I don’t follow up?
Some reason the videos will not really play for me but I’m glad to hear he’s doing so much better!! No idea on the potential insurance issue, hopefully someone can weigh in on that!
Good question. Maybe ask them if you can push it out? In my experience, once you explore/treat/whatever, you get dropped by the insurance company or the exclusions make it no longer worth it.
Thankfully my friends and I have had good experiences with this policy. I think I’m more likely to have issues if I never get a proper diagnosis though. If he goes to NBC and Dr Johnson says he’s normal, we can probably chalk the previous exam up to soreness from the RH lameness. If I don’t take him, it will remain unexplained.
Insurance aside, I’ll sleep better with a top-notch second opinion anyway! Best case we get a baseline for any future issues.
He has the cutest face
I’m relieved and so happy for you!
I was watching your latest videos and thinking “am I stupid? I see nothing wrong here”… Glad I’m not the only one not seeing anything… He is stunning and really cute, BTW
Aww. What a sweetheart. You’re a lucky girl!
Some small updates!
Bad news first: I had to reschedule my New Bolton appt because after a damn month my truck still isn’t fixed. The shop only just ordered the hood latch yesterday (???) even though the adjuster and I discussed it in our first conversation. The silver lining is that someone whose horse is in much greater need of an appointment than Petey will go earlier, and we’ll take their spot in Feb with our less urgent need.
Good news next: also after almost a month, Petey’s Vitamin E bloodwork came back and it’s normal!
Then this: he got a trim on Sunday and afterwards I noticed a weird rough spot on the inside of his RH sole that maybe could be an abscess growing out? When he first went lame my coach thought he looked like he didn’t want to weight the inside of the RH and I think some people here made the same observation. So maybe that’s all it was after all! He’s still sound and fabulous.
and continued jingles that this was the problem!