The Alexander Technique

Anyone tried The Alexander Technique?

I am at my wits end with my disc pain. I am doing pilates and seeing the chiro/acupuncturist 2x/week. Something has to give.

Re: Alexander Technique

I went to an Alexander Technique for riders about a month ago, includes time on the wooden horse, floor exercises and then time mounted. I could tell that it would be something that would make a difference. I drive over an hour one way for my Pilates and am considering putting the Pilates aside for a short time and making an equivalent drive to give AT the same amount of time. Good luck.

I have done Alexander Technique for years… Get a good instructor, as this is the key…

I had a very serious car accident a couple of years ago, and Alexander helped me rehab my back completely. What helped the most was table work, which really helped me regain my freedom of movement.

PM me if you have any further questions. A good Alexander instructor can be difficult to find.

If you can’t find a good Alexander practitioner, look also for a Feldenkrais practitioner. It is very similar to Alexander. I use a Feldenkrais practitioner for my scoliosis.

I think the Alexander technique is great. But personally, I’d dump the chiro/acupuncturist and get a competent MD to assess your disc problem first.

[QUOTE=DressageGeek “Ribbon Ho”;4513553]
I think the Alexander technique is great. But personally, I’d dump the chiro/acupuncturist and get a competent MD to assess your disc problem first.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I have a very good ortho who originally diagnosed the condition. I am very well aware of the fact that he would most likely take a new MRI since it has been two years since the last one. At the time he suggested PT (which I did) and said if the pain got to be very bad, he could go the route of injections which I don’t want to do. I want to start to heal not mask the pain. Obviously, surgery was suggested as a last resort and something I want to avoid at all costs.

I don’t blame you!!! I do know that with Pilates there are ll sorts of ways to modify the exercises (of course you need a certified type person for that). But I do know that a friend with pretty bad lordosis was helped a great deal by the Alexander Technique.