Hey, I am just telling you guys what I was told, and no, this isn’t just ONE phone call, another person had called and recived the same answer. The problem lies in that the judges and stewards allow this to happen, and for some reason 99% of the hunter world had no clue that it was illegal. To me, it makes sense that it is illegal and just because it is not specifically stated does not make it legal. You can’t expect them to go and list EVERY SINGLE LITTLE device because the list could go on forever and it would have to be updated frequently! So they made a general rule which covers well, EVERYTHING ARTIFICIAL. I would not hesitate to point it out to a judge or steward either. So now it becomes a moral issue. If the judges don’t knock you down for it yet it IS considered illegal, and now I know for a FACT that it is, are you still going to do it? Or will you be the honest one that says that it’s not legal so I am not going to use them? Bertie, I commend you for doing the right thing and I hope others will follow!

Devildog, we disagree with the earplugs…but we dont about who we ask!! I asked Larry also… LoL!!!
Hey showed me your question,looked exactly like mine, LOL!! So, sorry i was mean,. but ya know!

OMG – This thread is a riot!— LOL, I want to clear up a “fuzzy” situation…Jumphigh realizes that this could be another sad day in the hunter jumper world…- This could take down some of those big names that survived drug scandals, etc…all because of EARBUNNIES! Justbay isn’t “using”, thank goodness.

Hey guys thanks for the thoughts about the specifics of the rules. Also BIG THANKS for not thinking I was a jerk for asking!!! I think it’s really hard to “type” a conversation, it’s much too easy to be misconstrued (and the spelling is hard too) LOL!!!

If this wasn’t so funny it would be tragic! What about bits? They are an artificail appliance. As is a saddle, martingale, SHOES, pads, gel pads, ear nets, stockings on the muzzle, draw reins, nose reins, bell boots, splint boots, caulks, belly pads…is any of this sinking in??? Until we can ride a horse bareback and without a headpiece of some type, we are using “artificial appliances”! I bet Mrs. Werner would like to dissappear at this point…she will print a retraction wait and see…she will say that she isn’t in the position to interpret the rules of the AHSA that can only be done through a protest and gearing situation! It will happen…I’m having a “vision” !!!

Honestly, I would not. I would have never in a million years even thought of doing such a thing. I use only basic tack on my horse, a dee ring snaffle, a bridle and a loose flash cavesson, a well fitting dressage saddle, a PC dressage girth and a regular square pad. She has plain shoes on the front only. I put bell boots on for trailering and PC boots on when trail riding so that she doesn’t get scratches on her legs. Maybe they should try and prove that ear plugs can help save the horses hearing, and then it should be adopted into all disciplines and people should be required to wear them too. And I wouldn’t take a horse into a major competition until they were seasoned and ready. I would take them TO the competition to get them used to the environment, but if they were not ready, they would not show. Ad in Cutting, the performance and quality of the horse IS tested, as is with pleasure and trail classes. It is not all running around and bucking, although these shows have multi-disciplines going on at the same show, and those pleasure and trail horses look about as dead if not deader than some of the hunters with ear plugs! Trail is a lot like Hunters, they have obsticles and the horses have to look like they are dead quiet and just doing it like it’s no big deal. And they even have a jump or two in the ring! It kind of started out as the same concept as hunters as well, encountering what obsticles you would see out in the field. Just like reining is a cousin to dressage, trail is a cousin to hunters. I am with Pwynn, where is this line? I too think it is a moveable one!

Farmgate, I love it…“Quick Fix Earbunny Appliances…”

I can’t stop laughing!!!

Well, I equate ear plugs to something like fly spray. Fly spray doesn’t always do that much, IMO, but we use it anyway, in the hopes that maybe it’ll help the horse’s comfort, at least a little.