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All I can say SU is that great minds think alike. I was planning to start a similar thread this morning, because I must tell all of you that the emails and BB updates kept me grounded throughout a very difficult day, when I watched the twin towers burn and fall from an office window less than 2 miles away.

There are no words to thank all of you enough!!!

Very well said, Sea Urchin~~~

I feel so blessed to have my fellow COTH BB’ers as friends, although I have never met many of them in person. We are all here because of a common bond, but today we have learned that bond goes much deeper than that! To all of my COTH friends: You guys are great! SUZ

Jumps, my mom and I were talking about the similarities between this and Kennedy. She said that she will always remember where she was then – and I will always remember where I was. She called and woke me up, and maybe it makes me a sick person, but I’m glad I got to see it as it happened. This is history.

xoxoxo, Colin.

Sea Urchin, you don’t know me either but I must say, you said that beautifully!

I’m glad you’re safe.

JumperEq, I had the same thought you did. Our internet access was down for a while (too many people checking CNN overwhelmed our server) and I just kept thinking “how are all the COTH BB folks doing?”

Same here Sea Urchin - well put

I was so concerned about all of you guys on the eastcoast I even mixed up my geography… … thanks for sorting that one out Colin

Hugs for everyone.

Thank you SU!
I cannot believe this has happened.I KNOW it has, but it seems so surreal.
Truth be told, I was cruisin’ the BB , sipping my coffee, when I got an IM, which I thought was the beginning of a joke.
I will ALWAYS remember what I was doing when I heard about the planes crashing into the WTC. Now I know how my mom felt when JFK was shot.
It was a nice part of the day to be able to come to the BB, when all Hell was breaking loose & see familiar “faces”, all concerned for each other.
God Bless you all & THank You!

This is the first website I have been checking each time I get internet access today.

Thanks, SU, I feel so cared for by the people on this BB.