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The Bulletin Board

In light of today’s multiples tragedies, I can’t help but having been struck, once again, about the friendships which have developed through this odd medium, the COTH bulletin board. How odd, in the face of such unthinkable madness, that a group of people would, by only the common bond of horses, care so much about one another, that they’d be e-mailing and posting about friends they’d never met 6 states away.
It’s very easy, as least for me, to be overwhelmed by life’s madness and the unthinkable sadness of events such as today’s, but perhaps we should all reflect, even just for a moment, on the connections this silly BB has afforded and the fact that someone, maybe just one person, really cares…At the end of the day, isn’t that what it’s all about…?

Thank you SU. Thank goodness all of you are safe…And a giant hug to all of you!!

I had tears in my eyes for hours today worrying about all of my BB friends that work in DC and the ones I know from NY. I would be lost without some of the friendships that I have made here.

Alex, you’re right about everything.

Love you guys very much. xoxoxo

Ok,ok,ok, SU…gag and all that…But, as you know - all too true. Thank goodness for my BB friends. Thank you COTH for making it possible.

God Bless America!

Isn’t it odd that today at work I just wanted to hop on the internet to check in on the COTH bbers? I knew that out of the many people that post here, some had to be affected. However, I wasn’t prepared to see just how much support had been sent out even from this small bb. Its hard to imagine the number of prayers and the millions of people in shock in the U.S. right now. I have faith that our country will band together through this tragedy and do what is right.

~~Erin B~~
Have you hugged your horse today?

To watch television this afternoon was a most surreal, baffling experience. Perhaps we’ve become so innured to on-screen violence (whether it be on the big or little screen) that the sight of the two burning WTC towers seemed but a clip from a Hollywood film. To process the gravity of this almost cinematic sight was too overwhelming; to think, though, of the safety and welfare of my online friends who live and work in New York seized me with helpless panic.

Whether you grew up with a friend through childhood, met them through work, or bonded with someone on this BB by virtue of a shared concern or spark of recognition, all of these friendships are valuable. In a day and age when we feel increasingly disenfranchised and alienated from each other, who would refuse the opportunity to make another friend (or 200)?

If this BB proves anything, and despite our occasional disagreements and spats, horsepeople are an idealistic, compassionate and emotionally generous group who support each other through thick and thin.

Please keep safe, everyone.

and it was the strangest feeling - we live about an hour from manhattan and it was a horrible feeling to know why they were up there. we’ve been very lucky, in this country, to have never experienced attacks of this scope upon our shores before. and lucky also, that we have the freedom to sit at our computers and squabble back and forth about presidential policy and defense procedures. this free and uncensored exchange of information is probably one of the most important of our country’s strengths.
it was reassuring and comforting to find my BB friends this morning, percolating with opinions, reactions, advice, good will and concern.
yay to all of us.

and comfort in numbers. I am thankful, especially on a day like today, for the friends I’ve made on this and JB’s board.

And yes, you’re right, it’s all about knowing someone cares and caring about soemone at the end of the day. If more people felt that way, i have a feeling things like this would happen less and less.

–My most accommodating strength is my willingness to humiliate myself

I started this day by, as usual, connecting to the internet and starting my coffee. Yahoo’s headline about the buildings would not open and give me any info. This was at about 6:45am Pac time.

I immediately went to my COTH BB link. And there everyone was. I have been online all day at work and have felt closer to the whole situation by the contact with the East Coast BB’ers.

The flow of news and personal conditions has been a steady stream. I am hopeful the casualties of those we “know” are very limited.

So at this point I too say, we are a great bunch of cyber-friends. I hope everyone has as peaceful a night as possible. There will be much more to tell tomorrow.

Hugs, Cactuskate

“The older I get, the better I used to be.”

Right you are, SU.

I have found my eyes welling up with tears on and off all day, and I actually began to cry when NATO enacted Section 5 (or whatever), because it meant that we were not alone – our allies were standing by (behind?) us.

Emotional? Me?

But get me to the BB and I feel “safe” again. Think I will go hug Warren (he hates it when I do that if I don’t bring a horse cookie – really pisses him off LOL). Who else but this board would advocate hugging your horse as an antidote from international terrorism?

In light of today’s multiples tragedies, I can’t help but having been struck, once again, about the friendships which have developed through this odd medium, the COTH bulletin board. How odd, in the face of such unthinkable madness, that a group of people would, by only the common bond of horses, care so much about one another, that they’d be e-mailing and posting about friends they’d never met 6 states away.
It’s very easy, as least for me, to be overwhelmed by life’s madness and the unthinkable sadness of events such as today’s, but perhaps we should all reflect, even just for a moment, on the connections this silly BB has afforded and the fact that someone, maybe just one person, really cares…At the end of the day, isn’t that what it’s all about…?

I feel very close to my BB friends, and worry about each and everyone of you near this tragedy.
May you and yours be safe.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sea Urchin:
In light of today’s multiples tragedies, I can’t help but having been struck, once again, about the friendships which have developed through this odd medium, the COTH bulletin board. How odd, in the face of such unthinkable madness, that a group of people would, by only the common bond of horses, care so much about one another, that they’d be e-mailing and posting about friends they’d never met 6 states away.
It’s very easy, as least for me, to be overwhelmed by life’s madness and the unthinkable sadness of events such as today’s, but perhaps we should all reflect, even just for a moment, on the connections this silly BB has afforded and the fact that someone, maybe just one person, really cares…At the end of the day, isn’t that what it’s all about…?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

SU you are so right! We cry to ourselves about what we don’t have and how bad we have it. This just makes us realize just how much we do have. Natalie

You’re only as good as the judge thinks you are…

Bravo, Sea Urchin

Member of the Baby Greenie Support Group

Despite what some of the others say, SU, I think you’re all right!

AS much as we all bicker over the little differences we all have, we all share the one common love which bonds us all. I feel very fortunate to have “met” each and every one of you, whether it be for your sense of humor, advice, kindness or whatever. Thanks for your post and reminder SU.

Behind every good woman lies a trail of men

Does this mean Krysyn’s contest deadline is extended?

(No, not making light of any of it…)

Agreed. The friends made through this connection are so valuable, and are a constant force to have in our lives. Its wonderful to have this to fall back on in a time like this, and I wish desperately that the time existed right now to speak with those people and have them to lean on and speak with.

I love all you guys!

~Insanity is repeating the same behavior over and over and expecting different results~

I heard all this first from you guys. Which says a lot for the community here. I feel so connected to people that I’ve never met or even seen. I do tend to talk about you guys like I know you, which confused some people today I DO feel like I know you and wish all of you the best. I know many were involved and had people there, but AHC, you have my thoughts and prayers for what you witnessed today.

Take care everyone, and be strong tomorrow.
