The COTH Christmas Story by AnneFS

awww very sweet story. Tis my first COTH christmas so twas new to me but very sweet story.

Can use all of the christmas type stories i can get since its really not feeling like christmas down here in Australia. What can i say i love my snow :smiley:


So I went to the barn at midnight and was appalled at the behavior of these supposedly “well-behaved” horses. The nasty pony had just finished toilet-papering the stall of the old QH retiree, the 3 greenies were playing “pin the tail” on the barn dog, 2 of the lesson horses had started a bonfire and were burning the lesson kid’s helmets, the Trak had shaved the Freisan’s mane into a Mohawk while he slept and the 4 OTTB’s were all doing “speed”.
“Sweetly kneeling and praying” MY A$$!!![/QUOTE]

HAHAHAHA!! THIS is what my barn would be doing on Christmas eve:lol::eek:

Thank you for posting this-- it was a much needed lift during a holiday time that’s shaping up to be somewhat sad and worrisome this year. Although, Jetsmom’s story was nearly as good <grin>

I’m so gonna peek on Dumplin’ this Christmas eve!

I wonder if the Ducks will do it too?


Thank you. I love this story; it’s a sweet Christmas present every year. I get goosebumps and a lump in my throat every time I read it.

I wish I could see something like this
 when I walk in the barn on Christmas Eve, they just turn to me with a look on their face that says “WHAT?!”

Thanks to Mod2 for the Xmas Bump :smiley:

Now if I can just stay up until midnight this year

Me too
 every time I read it.

I have to say, that’s exactly what my horse would do if I drove out to the barn on X-Mas Eve
 I’d get that “WHAT?!” look and then the, “So where’s my treat?” look next. :sigh: :lol: But that’s okay
 I, too, have only seen him lie down once in the 3 years I’ve owned him. :slight_smile:

I love Anne’s story, and I love Thomas’s poem.

I found the poem here–

–and if you highlight the text of the poem, you can see snow falling!

Ox and ass before Him bow,
And he is in the manger now.

Very lovely and timely - just what we need to speed us into the Christmas spirit. Thanks.

You know there are going to be a million COTHer’s wandering to their barns Christmas Eve at midnight this year

My grandpa used to tell us this story that midnight on Christmas Eve, for 1 minute, animals could talk. And every year, I still see if I can get a word out

I will never get tired of this story. Thanks for posting :slight_smile:

Did anyone check their barn last night?

I peeked in at around midnight on the horses. Alas, nobody was kneeling that I saw
 but it was very dark, so I could have missed something! I didn’t hear any talking either, much to my dismay.

I agree that is one of the best xmas stories ever! Thanks for posting it again.

In case the link gets lost, here is the Thomas Hardy poem:

The Oxen

Christmas Eve, and twelve of the clock,
“Now they are all on their knees”,
An elder said as we sat in a flock
By the embers in hearthside ease.

We pictured the meek mild creatures where
They dwelt in their strawy pen,
Nor did it occur to one of us there
To doubt they were kneeling then.

So fair a fancy few would weave
In these years! Yet, I feel,
If someone said on Christmas Eve,
“Come; see the oxen kneel

“In the lonely barton by yonder coomb
Our childhood used to know”,
I should go with him in the gloom,
Hoping it might be so.

So, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 'til next year!

Moving out of the reference section for 2009

Thanks, Mod for bumping this up for Christmas '09

I read 2 pages before I realized it was archived!

A sweet story.
I may try for my own little miracle this year. :yes:

I read this every year and it still gives me chills. Happy holidays everyone!

Love this story! :slight_smile: Reading it is a Christmas tradition now. Thanks Mods for bumping it back up for this Christmas season.

Merry Christmas!

One of my favorite holiday traditions is reading this story again. I will read it many times, before Christmas is over. Thank you, Moderator 1, for pinning it up again this year.