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The Goodest dog went home yesterday

Theodore has been fighting a war on many fronts for about 3 years, starting at around 11 (we don’t know exactly how old he was because he came to us as a young adult). He had congestive heart failure (2 meds), arthritis (another 2 meds), anxiety and dementia (med 4) and a weird penis thing (my vet finally called it “old man penis”) for which he had two surgeries. We kept doing the quality of life scale for him, and he kept coming up as pretty decent, till last week when he stopped eating. We tried a few things to get him to eat, but Friday made the decision that it was time. It wasn’t any one thing, rather just a combination of them. Our vet was wonderful, and he wasn’t stressed at all at the end. I’m sad now, especially as he was the last of our original pack (we still have a 1 1/2 year old poodle, thank goodness, and 4 cats whom our young poo adores). I know we made the right decision, and I miss him, but I wanted more to celebrate his very good life.


Oh I’m so sorry. He was a handsome old fella. Godspeed Theodore.

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I’m so sorry :cry: I hope your beautiful memories of Theodore assuage your sadness. Run free sweet boy.


I am so sorry for your loss.

Hugs, such a hard choice, you showed your love by loving him best. Very cute!

I’m so sorry about Theodore.

You did what was right for him, even though it hurt you.
Never easy to let the Good Ones go.
Run free,Theodore, Goodest Dog❣️

You did everything right for Theodore.

My heart goes to you and your family, its never easy and its particularly hard when its the goodest of dogs.

So sorry for your loss. What a beautiful boy and what a great long life he had. It never makes it easier though. Hugs to you.

I am sorry to hear about Theodore. You did right by him.
I have known some good Poodles in my life and every single one was a true ambassador for their breed.
I imagine Toby and Coco and Monique and Angel and Boris and Fluff and Brandy were there to welcome Theodore at the Bridge.

I’m sorry for your loss.

So sorry for your loss.
Thank you for putting his quality of life first.

Sending you hugs. He’s running free now.

What a very good boy :heartpulse:

So so sorry. What a goodest boy.

Cutest boy as well. I’m sorry.

That pic of him made me laugh - that face and the crossed paws. I’ll bet he was a character. Those choices are hard but right. Good-bye best boy.


Theodore…the Goodest dog :innocent:.

So sorry for your loss.