"The Horsey Set Enjoys Puking, Diet Pills, and Diuretics"...


thank you

Rachel and Moon

Jane is a magazine that is very sarcastic… to say the least lol.

If you go to www.janemagazine.com and go under “in the current issue” it’s the table of contents and it shows a pic.

* Fiero *

Did anyone notice that, after the mag finished berating girls with eating disorders, about 20 pages later, there’s a model wearing a (horrendously ugly) wool dress, with legs like freakin’ toothpicks?!?

Surprise! Surprise! This is Jane we’re talking about… so hip, so progressive, wouldn’t DREAM of biting the hand that feeds it (or tries to)! I work in the fashion industry, and their models have tended to be the skinniest around, even scrawny… personally, I wouldn’t believe anything that I read in a magazine that still considers Courtney “Ahhhwk, Is My Silicone Slipping?” Love to be a role model.

Now, can anyone tell me where to get that $350 show outfit WITh chaps?

i didn’t read the article, so maybe I didn’t get the context right, but when it said “the sh1t”, I interpreted that as the yay yay cheerleading mini-skirt wearing BRING IT ON the sh!t, like, the bomb or the best, not the sh1t as in “we hate him”…