The Maestro has written another book

At least I would pay for it, however as I am not even in that Country or know anything about it, they could find better people than me.

I just LOLed at those last 7 words. I bet they are not in Nick’s book or rants.


They most definitely are not. Nick is clearly the best ever. He wins bigly.

Maybe we could crowd fund a Swamp Town Trophy for the lowest dressage score received.


That was sincerely how I felt reading it!

This copy of the book is available to be passed along. Anybody interested in reading for themselves, shoot me a PM.


Because if he can get someone to allow him on their property and use photos of their farm to post on the web in an effort to legitimize himself, he could keep the con going.

Remember Golden Gaits farm where he proved he was not qualified for any riding job and was told he would not be hired,yet he immediately took photos of the farm without permission and posted them, again without permission?

Any barns that he visits (and some that he hasn’t) are likely to have him claim to be associated with them, thus the many times that people have had to insist that he have the photos of their farms removed from his Facebook page or blog.

If just one person here would fall for the “free clinic” scam, it would give him the opportunity to take photos of their farm and of him “teaching” at their farm, in an attempt to legitimize his status (on the internet) to those folks who don’t know any better.


I vaguely recall him visiting a downtown office building at one point and snapping photos of himself in more than one office at different desks and saying he was leasing it as his business office??


OMG how demonic

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Yes, a short stint as a “security guard” patroling empty office buildings. He even brought a framed photograph of his family to put on the desk, where he took the photos. He was in a chair, leaning back, as though it was his office. Nothing else in the room, but there was the family photo. That’s seriously sick. That’s the same kind of stuff he did with people’s farms to claim he trained at them. He used someone’s farm name and address on his website, who didn’t even know who the he!! he was. Its a con. Men who marry women for their money con them by taking photos of themselves at a hospital in scrubs as a means to prove they are a surgeon. He’s beyond the pale.


More moronic, and very sad…


Nick is/was always so focused on piaffe, passage, and his beloved “Airs” as proof he’s qualified to ride and train Grand Prix. Never mind that he can’t distinguish a leg yield from a half pass and so far hasn’t posted any examples showing he’s capable of getting his horse to bend through the corners.

Has he ever addressed the canter pirouette? I hope he’s never tried to ask any horse he’s ridden to do one.


I read on the Internet that Nick Peronace developed a somewhat controversial and extremely complex Dressage maneuver known as “The Iron Lotus”. It has been said that he first performed it in public at The People’s Global Bestest Dressage Competition in Pyongyang, North Korea, held in 2003. According to what’s out there, Kim Jong-il and his son Kim Jong-un were apparently in attendance and broke down in tears over the horsemanship and skill demonstrated that day by Nick Peronace. So moved they were, that they immediately called an emergency session of The State Affairs Commission and put forth a measure to give Nick Peronace North Korean citizenship and an officer’s commission in the North Korean armed forces. Beyond that, it has been intimated that he may in fact hold the title of “The Official Dressage Instructor Of The Glorious Korean People’s Army Of The Democratic People’s Republic Of Korea”. Some in the Intelligence and Geo-Politics circles refer to him as “North Korea’s Backdoor Ambassador”, because of his place in the hierarchy of North Korea’s Socio-Political makeup and his frequent appearances at the backdoor entrances of public and private buildings where prominent individuals in global government and industry gather to discuss matters of global importance. Some say that his North Korean language fluency, appearance, and mannerisms are so flawless that he can pass as a native simply by hunching his head down, squinting his eyes, and speaking in a proper accent. I’ve also heard that he’s developing a line of artisanal meat products to sell in North Korean grocery stores, to be officially endorsed by Kim Jong-un himself. The official brand slogan is said to be: 이 고기는 맛있어요. 당신은 그것을 먹을 것입니다. 당신은 그것을 이길 수 없습니다., whatever that means. Anyone else hear anything interesting about him?


Have you seen those North Korean soldiers march?? Nick taught them that!!! Extended march/airs above the street/passage.


Nick P, backdoor passage ambassador.

Got a ring to it.


That’s a good point. I was always sort of impressed at how hard many of the run of the mill shoplifters I used to deal with worked at their con. It was literally their full time job and they applied themselves to it. People who are next-level true con artists are…spooky. Unsettling. They once had a guy at the jiu jitsu gym who managed to make it look like he signed the contract & EFT form yet somehow not actually sign them. In front of the gym admin, who happened to be active duty law enforcement. How? Slight of hand? Disappearing ink? No one could say. Yet the guy did it.

Even crazier: I once worked at a close knit company of about 100 employees. One day, the VP abruptly emailed letting us know that the rising star/wunderkind of the company had departed. It was shocking news – the guy had been on target to be the first person outside the founding family to be tapped for a C-suite role. It was somehow exposed that his entire identity was a sham. He claimed he was a reservist (or air national guard?) and was often tired from “being up all night flying”. His wife us also worked for the company. She often mentioned him being gone all night & how she handled the dogs’ routine & the like. They spent a lot of time with the VP & his wife socially. They, too, genuinely thought he was a reservist.

This guy’s con was smooth enough that they ALL believed his story that he was out practicing flying military planes all night. He had the lingo down, knowledge of the training cycles reservists would be on, etc. He was actually going to the trouble of leaving the house all night. He was charming. He had a head for numbers & a photographic memory, able to instantly memorize the huge price book. Customers loved him & he moved merchandise. No red flags. Not even the tiniest pinkish glimmer :exploding_head: It was pretty unsettling in retrospect!


No. He has never shown that he could ride ANY FEI movement or lower level movement including leg yield, shoulder-in, renvers or travers, a flying change or tempis, medium or extended trot, tempis, piaffe, passage or any other movement above first level. He’s been asked but he refuses to show video. Hence his scores at third and fourth level. It is easier to blame a cabal than state that you don’t know how to ride at that level.


Does anyone know if he had a reader for the 3rd and 4th level tests? Can you have a reader? He doesn’t seem like he would be able to memorize them.

I wonder how many errors he had also, but we will never hear about them.


Yes, you can have a reader for third and fourth. I think I remember seeing that he had a reader in his tests.

To be fair, I often had a reader at third and fourth and I read for people at third and fourth. It is easy to confuse tests if you’re riding multiple tests at a show, it is easy to forget what is next if you’re managing a spontaneous problem “in the moment” and it can be nice to hear a friend’s voice even if you know the the test. You don’t get marked down for having a reader.


I’m not the thread police, far from it, but for the love of all that’s holy, please let’s not veer off into Reader VS No Reader Land. :upside_down_face:


This conversation just happened at the barn.

Unknown lady, walking around: “Oh, wow, I love your appaloosa”
Me: “He’s a quarter horse.”
Lady: “Yeah, an appaloosa quarter horse.”
Me: “No. He’s a roan, and he’s a quarter horse.”

Appaloosa + quarter horse… no, just no…


Pfft. Appaloosa quarter horse? The only colour that matters in the dressage ring is the interesting blend of black and bay. :wink:

