I would say that Neil Breen would be the perfect filmmaker for this project. Except Neil is actually trying to use film as a vehicle for social responsibility, sooooo…yeah, maybe not.
[quote=“TheDBYC, post:2503, topic:763913, full:true”]
Nothing about the Maestro has anything to do with social responsibility. It is the Maestro’s someone dun me wrong song…. Not even worthy of air play.
I purchased my copy of the book on Amazon but no way was I putting my real name to the honest and real review. I believe Amazon verifies that the review is coming from your email account when you sign in with your login information. It gives you the option to change your screen name for a review specifically for instances of retaliation.
Be careful with that. If you leave a review under a user name then change it later the user name on the review will also change.
I’m cracking up
I’m from the same area, it’s not a Newfoundland accent, it’s a straight up delco accent (Philly suburbs.) Locally the accent is stereotyped as being ‘lower class,’ often associated with neighborhoods with low graduation rates and high opioid addiction and teen pregnancy rates. If you’ve seen Mare of Easttown, like that.
Take from that what you will
I dint murder no one’s durdur!
But Maestro can’t be “lower class”. He has a Cadillac SXT and a dining room table that’s an "actual replica of Louis XIV"!!!
I’m not sure if we’ve solved this riddle of structure, historical reference and interior design. Is Louis XIV portrayed as being on his hands and knees, with a flat glass top laid across his spine and ample derriere? Or is it the other way, with ol’ Louis lying flat on his back, his palms and knees held skyward, with the table top balancing upon those four points?
[quote=“HereComesZach, post:2507, topic:763913”]
I’m from the same area, it’s not a Newfoundland accent, it’s a straight up delco accent (Philly suburbs.) Locally the accent is stereotyped as being ‘lower class,’ often associated with neighborhoods with low graduation rates and high opioid addiction and teen pregnancy rates. If you’ve seen Mare of Easttown, like that.
Gracy Kelly had the same accent. When she started acting she underwent extensive remedial speech therapy.
Here’s hoping the Maestro has the 2022 he deserves.
Well, he’s got a slew of private new clients and horses and a shiny new book review, so it’s going well so far …
LOL! He must have gotten a couple of Breyer horses and dolls for Christmas.
I do hope 2022 is a good year for him and his family and he allows himself to be happy with out the need for the world to think he is extra special.
That review is so true.
I was wondering when he would put up another post to get our attention…things were dying out on this thread and he just can’t have that…
My guess is, that is one of those new fangled New Years Resolutions.
Rather than “I will…”, one asserts "I AM… "
Well good for Nick if he is doing more with his life than just issuing challenges into the vapor, waiting for nothing to happen, and then complaining that nothing happened. That grows old and predictable. He’s actually going to stretch himself to try to break the predictable cycle of nothingness.
For most people, when something doesn’t work, they stop doing it. That’s a no-brainer. And if truly entrepreneurial, they try a different approach and keep trying new things to find something that works. They don’t sit on their boo-hinies chronicling their complaints in books bought out of sympathy by “friends” and family. Most successful authors share their successes and their techniques in their writings. That is what sells “1000s” of books and draws real clients.
Let’s see what happens next…are trolls and corruption truly the barriers?…or is it Nick himself? The proof is now in his on hands. I personally don’t think Nick can do it, that he can actually get over himself and his own lack of talent …but happy to be proven wrong.
Go for it Nick. Cue the music. Not holding my breath.
I wonder who wrote his post. Its coherence is uncharacteristic of him.
… might have been one of his “three editor’s”.
Or try learning more, from other, better sources.
But, we know how he feels about actual humble-ness, and being a lifelong student of this sport.