The new little letters on the forum pages

I have just (finally?) noticed that on about 1/2 the threads in each BB list, in the lower left corner there is “PM”. I have posted on some of the threads, but not all of them.

Does anyone know what this means and how to get rid of them? They are not harming anything, but I am suspicious of anything new.

This is definitely not a thing, unless you have a formatting problem and the “AM” or “PM” from the latest post or started post time is somehow getting pushed down to its own line.

Hi there ~
Yes, I’m not familiar with what you’re referencing. If you take a screen shot and email it to me at, I can see if I can figure out what’s going on!

Thanks ~
Mod 1

I am seeing fewer of the “PM” (and “AM”) letters and they seem to be associated with posts from late night or very early in the AM. But it is not consistent. A 1am post will not have it yet a 2am post will, then a 3:30am post will not. Hmmmmm.

I have tried to paste a screenshot showing them, but when I do everything turns into about 25 sized letters and only 3 letters fit on the screen at once. And it will not get smaller no matter what I do.

So, I guess it is a mystery which my computer is creating.

Thanks for trying to help.

PS: What is the criteria for titles of threads changing from bold to unbolded ? It is not the number of threads (I have dutifully counted) so there must be some other criteria.

Yes, I do need to get a life. :slight_smile:

Pam Mahony

The thread title is bolded if it has new posts on it. Once you read a thread (or if it has no new posts since you last visited the forum), then it is unbolded.