I’ve been receiving The Plaid Horse magazine for awhile now and have found its contents to be really disappointing. I was wondering if others feel the same?
Be it their website or their physical magazine, it’s frustrating to see one of the few equestrian periodicals stuffed to the brim with ads. It would be one thing if it were just your normal, run of the mill, print magazine ads, but TPH dedicates pages of stories to what are clearly ads without disclosing as such. Similarly, these features are posted to their social channels without any ad disclosure at all.
Even at a glance, articles like this one and this one, are clearly ads. The talking points are pulled directly from the websites, and there isn’t a story here at all – just praising a company or product.
I guess I was just expecting more based on how popular the publication is; something more akin to Calling All Horse Girls with articles about interesting up and coming riders or unique events or something. Instead, it’s just an inundation of nonstop ads.
It’s nice when there are real articles, even if they do tend to be all very similar – features on top junior riders at elite competitions from the same handful of barns.
I was just curious if any felt similarly or had recommendations for other publications that have actual articles.