The Role of Fascia in Being a Good Rider and Feeling Good

I came across this presentation and found it captivating and wondered if anyone would benefit and enjoy. The highlights for me were at 16:00 tendonitis, 29:00 why movement helps with fluid movement, 36:00 on trigger points, 50:00 problem areas and working above and below, 1:00 about cupping and the benefits and why.

Thanks, PW for posting that link. That was so interesting and helpful.

You might like this Mary Wanless book in link below. She explains it really well with illustrations and incorporates the fascia info into her Ride with Your Mind program in this book.

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That was super interesting! Thanks for the link!

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@iris2006 Thanks for that link - I have that book and rode not only with Mary Wanless but also Sandy Howard and Jennifer Truett (in clinics) and found them all profoundly helpful. Had not remembered Mary talking about fascia in her book and will check it out.