The stories of the “unhorsed” life beyond ownership!

Mayday. LOL


Your fault


I’m honored! I hope the name turns out to be a lucky one!


When you walk out to catch your horse and breathe a sigh of relief when you see them only a few hundred yards away

Only then you realize yours isn’t there, and see that he is WAY down the other end of the field. Yes he is in the circle, 3/4 of a mile round trip, good jog it was worth it.

Yesterday, part 2 of cow moving lessons, and gave my coach a few great opportunities to shout “Pilot Error” when I got it wrong

I could easily fall in love with this boy, he just feels great underneath me, has a walk that covers the ground, zero cow sense about him, but real happy to do everything asked of him.

Tomorrow we’ll see what he thinks of obstacles!


Had lesson on Jet yesterday, and today, trainer is away for a week and I wanted homework for the week.

Can I say SUPERSTAR! He rocked everything that we threw at him, gate…hey I can do gates. Bridge, bring it on, Garrocha pole, piece of cake. Stand stock still while you squirm around trying ti grab hold of things and move them? I’ll do that all day. There wasn’t one thing in ease of handling that he struggled with.

Home work will be working on his dressage test, he has a great forward movement, but lacks much in the way of bend or flex. We are dropping out of the curb and using a snaffle to work on that. His back up has improved 100% in a couple of lessons, which is great.

it’s going to be hard handing him back, first horse since Braam that I feel in tune with


I have posted a new thread about the awesomeness that was the CNC

Today I was meant to be trying out a new lease horse, but I have managed to contract COVID somewhere along the line, so stuck indoors feeling crappy. Oh well could be worse, could of been last week, that would have really sucked.

I saw that upcoming events poster and thought of you - I had an inkling that I “knew” who it was!! I hadn’t caught up with this post yet until today so am just learning of Braam’s passing. My heart goes out to you and everyone who loved him.
I’m glad to see your updates with Jet and the progress you continue to make! Sorry to hear that you’ve been hit with the covid bug but hopefully you recover quickly and can try the new lease horse out soon!

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I hope you know I am living vicariously thru you.


Some days are just strange. This morning I was deciding if I had the energy to do much yet, and still a bit “blah” recovering from Covid, and being in the dumps after the high of CNC.

Then, out of the blue this dropped

“Would anyone be interested in doing a lesson with Eddo tomorrow? He has a day open that he could come to the ranch tomorrow, need to know asap.”

Didn’t even know that one Eddo Hoekstra was in the area, let alone be free to set up some ad hoc lessons. I have never ridden with him, but I have a good friend who has taken a few lessons, so I messaged her and asked if I should do it, especially as it means that it will clear my bank account :open_mouth: her reply? “If need be I will pay for you to ride” so I guess I am having a lesson with Eddo! Munzy has been designated my partner.

Excited to see what I can take from this experience.


Yesterday was interesting to say the least, and kind of frustrating.

I was supposed to ride Munzy in my lesson with Eddo, but after 30+ minutes of trying to catch the little beast, I had to change and take Nico in instead. Not a choice a made lightly, and having ridden, I can confirm, I don’t like Nico, I realize that now I don’t own a horse, I have to take what is available, and that even difficult horses teach you something, but he is like riding a barge, and he is pig ignorant as well, it’s exhausting just trying to keep him on the rail the whole time. Sigh, beggars can’t be choosers, but so many battles I don’t want to fight there.

But did come away with a lot to think about, around being in tune with your horse, doing a little walk in hand work with him before you mount, getting him to connect with you and accepting you as a leader for the day before you ride. So much about balance, having your mind in balance before and during the ride, and your body following. So much good stuff about what you can control, simply with your core and breathing, and I am totally GUTTED, that I couldn’t watch the girl who got a couple of steps of passage in her session, even though she doesn’t have a clue, but she came out nearly crying at the feeling she got.

My points to work on, stop nagging, I know it’s an issue, but really need to concentrate on it again. Use my body more, hands less.

Good things, I do have core muscles, and am using them YAY, I am keen to learn, receptive to new thoughts.

Biggest laugh of the day, while talking about energy flow:

“Imagine you are drinking your favourite beverage, and for argument it’s chocolate milk. You are drinking your milk through a straw, and your husband comes along and pinches of the straw, what happens?”

“Husband gets hit upside the head”

“Not the answer I was looking for, but OK


Next journey

This is Enzo, Enzo is err special!

He is a Warmblood, almost 16.2hh, close to 1300 pounds, but identifies as a pony! He had me fooled, I genuinely did not realize how big he was until the ground to a long time to arrive when I jumped off.

He has been with the same owner most of his life, but hasn’t done much, he didn’t much care for mounted shooting, or being a cow horse, but seems the Warmblood has a talent for dressage.

After a couple of trial rides, seems I’m going to part lease this boy for a while, it’s going to be interesting, can I say BIG MOVEMENT. He is willing but fairly green to kind of “formal” arena work. It’s going to be fun, I’ve hankered after riding him since I first met him back in July…


He looks like quite the character! I bet he takes to WE like a duck to water. He needs to have an interesting job. Do keep us updated regularly, please.

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I am so sorry for your loss- just caught up on your thread. I really love your journey please keep posting updates :smiley:

What a handsome guy! Congrats! Can’t wait to see you two together.

It’s a nice view from the saddle, and he is going to be a fun journey I think.

Yesterday I spent most of my ride on transitions, and he certainly became sharper after a while.


OMG this picture is priceless! The look on both faces!

Ooh! He’s a cutie— nice bone, sweet face and I bet he’s smooth and willing. Keep updating us in your journey.

all that’s missing here is the halo over his head. :rofl:

He is willing, to certain boundaries, he gets flustered it seems when you insist that your idea is best. I think he has had a fairly easy life up until now, mainly trail riding and some “playing” at stuff. Having to use his body, and respond quickly are both kind of hard. So we have to do lots of long rein walk to decompress and think about life, then gather him up and try again.

Not sure just how much he has been ridden this summer, but he feels like he runs out of try after about 30 minutes. Mentioned it to coach who said “Warmblood? Sounds about right” :rofl: In her defence she rides Arabs, who can go all day without issue.


I love him! Great bone! That pic of him in the wheelbarrow is hysterical. The look on his face is great. I can’t wait to see more of him.