The UK H & H us doing a live commentary

which is good for people who can’t watch.

They have a dressage expert commenting on the eventing dressage.

It’s much better than nothing.

Jon Kyle is doing the commentary. He is in there with an unknown Aussie.

If you can get picture and no sound, there is a small blip on the lower left of the screen. It asks what language you want. Choose and the sound is on.

Jon Kyle is doing the commentary. He is in there with an unknown Aussie.

If you can get picture and no sound, there is a small blip on the lower left of the screen. It asks what language you want. Choose and the sound is on.[/QUOTE]

I don’t have anything videolike. That’s why the live typed commentary on H & H is the alternative. I can’t afford to waste money on TV and TV alternatives.

I saw your comment there, vineyridge.