I feel you. I moved from the Boise area, which has a very active driving club, to the Idaho panhandle… Which doesn’t. I’m still in the email and Facebook groups for treasure valley, green with envy over the clinics and derbies that used to be a 45 minute drive and are now 10 hours away.
Like you, there’s a group that does a trail drive maybe once a year–no driving classes at the fair, but every year since I’ve been back I’ve offered to sponsor a cones class and provide/set up cones at the local show (no takers yet), reached out to the 4H and Arabian youth club leaders, and given my phone number to anyone who seems remotely interested in driving*. The mini people have shows in CdA and Spokane, but a. we’re no minis b. I can’t acquire a mini and remain happily married** and c. it’s the sequins-and-lycra kind not the jacket-and-apron kind-- lycra is NOT a look I could pull off.
Even at my cutest, a time lost to the sands of memory, I could not have worn sequined lycra. It’s a good thing I was never a barrel racer and missed the disco era.
I’m about to paint my number on Josie’s big black booty and lead her through town for the 4th of July parade with a sign that says I’M SO LONELY PLEASE CALL ME IF YOU WANT TO DRIVE WITH ME. PS I’M MOSTLY HARMLESS.
*So far I’ve met one couple who are interested in horse logging (which I know nothing about, but seems interesting and I’m always looking for more ways to have animals pull things), one former recreational horse logger, and two new friends who are now coming out to ride my parents’ horses, so not a total loss, but also not driving friends per se.
**Not even the pair of older geldings with CDE experience with all of their accoutrements (carriage, harnesses, the works) who are available for a screaming deal to a good home that would keep them together because believe me I was tempted, but I’m already spread thin with work/mom/kids and keeping the ponies I already have going…