The very itchy cat... I need ideas, thoughts?

Charlotte has allergies. To what, we have no idea. Vet has given steroid shots, I used to get good mileage out of them but now, they last ~3 weeks or so and she’s back to scratching and sores all over.
This has been going on for several years, so far I have not found any obvious suspect. It’s not fleas.

Our vet visit in January he gave her Bravecto. He said there is a skin mite that can burrow really deep and Bravecto has been found to kill it. If the issue was this mite, that should work. Along with a steroid shot. She was itch free, doing better, improved everything, and then back to scratching and sores. I took her back yesterday. Another steroid shot, going to give another in 2 weeks, and see if that does the trick.
Aside from that we discussed every possible option he/I could come up with. Using dandruff shampoo, oatmeal shampoo, psoriasis treatments, anything to break the cycle. Food allergies - I did try several years back a simple, single protein diet but no change.
With 4 cats it’s difficult to have one that is ‘special’. He also told me chicken was the most common protein allergy, I thought it was fish. ???

Any thoughts what we might try for her?

Have you tried a hydrolyzed protein diet?

I had an itchy one with a side of eosiniphilic granuloma. He did great on daily Medrol. He proudly wore a sweater for months while we sorted treatment out, long before dressing cats was a thing, :smiley: Anyway, he wore the sweater until everything was healed and the Medrol was doing its thing.

IIRC, the vet had me start the steroids at a fairly high dose and then gradually taper down. I can’t remember for sure the final dose, but I think it was 1/4 pill every other day.

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Yes. Nobody will eat it. :frowning_face:

You could always try bovine colostrum for allergies. I have heard of people using it for allergies in dogs and it works very well. I give my dog 1tsp/day (115lb) though she doesn’t have any allergies per say. I give it more to boost her immune system.

You don’t have to purchase from this site, as I’m sure its expensive. I have gone to my local horse feed store and purchase a large bag for $20ish and it lasts me about 6 months. You can also purchase it on Amazon!


Ugh, that’s a bummer. I don’t think I’ve ever had one refuse z/d :frowning:

Skin allergy testing might be worth discussing, just so you can figure out her triggers.

Have you discussed hormone imbalance with your vet? Sounds left field, but it’s a thing.

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Pemphigus? Autoimmune disease?

I had a cat with severe allergies. He would get hound and gatos pork cat food. Beef, chicken, lamb, turkey all made him itch. I swear he was allergic to life. Hydrolyzed foods didn’t work. Probably because of the corn.

Anyhow you need a strict limited ingredient diet. Probably for all cats in the house.

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skin biopsy time

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My vet had recommended this as our next option, but thankfully we didn’t end up needing it.

I am thinking to ask my vet about abx or something along those lines at next appointment. In the meantime I was going down the rabbit hole of shampoos and got to thinking about a chlorhexadine wash. I was perusing options on Chewy when their site just went poof! on me.

As for biopsy… he said it would come back as one of 2 things: Allergies or Autoimmune disorder.

I dunno…

Neither of those issues are going to be aided by abx. OTOH, cats tolerate steroids really well.

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I have an itchy kitty - currently she is on Atopica and limited ingredient food (rabbit ) and seems to be doing better. She is definitely allergic to any chicken/poultry products and didn’t do much better on lamb/rice foods.


My “secret*” weapon for weird cats (guts, but I’d try it for skin if I ever end up with another skin weirdness cat!) is venison cooked with brown rice in a slow cooker and chucked into individual servings in the freezer. Helps to know a prolific hunter who needs to get ride of some freezer-burnt roasts because otherwise it’s $$$

If you are able/wanting to try this do discuss with your vet though - you’ll need to supplement for taurine at the very least and it’s been so long I cant remember the ratio of rice to venison. The rice is merely for filler and fibre. You will NOT keep a hungry cat sated with just the venison apparently - something about the protein level and the lack of fat.

*recommended by my vet

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I had a super itchy cat that responded well to a limited ingredient diet. I think I stuck to rabbit and duck. He would still get a bit itchy if you let him go too long between flea treatments. He never had fleas but the vet did have an explanation fir it that I no longer remember.

What about daily prednisone since the steroid shots worked?


That’s what worked for my guy. I will say it was no picnic (pun intended) since he was a street cat before he knocked on my door. All food had to be locked up and it took a while for him to become ok with his twice daily portions and no snack between meals. Bag of bread? Fair game. Vegetables left out for meal prep? Fair game. :rofl: Once the period of adjustment was over for both of us, it was fine, and pilling was no issue because “OMG! PRE-MEAL SNACK! GIMME!”