Since starting to use my Diamond Wool pad and my western saddle (Fabtron Lady Trail), my horse has started doing the wet-dog-shake pretty often. Like four or five times in two hours. Both during groundwork and while I’m riding. And once untacked he can’t wait to have a good back-scratching roll in the dirt. Even before getting his water.
I’ve had this horse for three years. For about a year, I rode him in an AP english saddle with a cotton pad and a sheepskin half pad on top of that. After that, I rode in a close contact jumping saddle with a cotton pad and a thinline on top of the cotton pad. Never once did he do the wet-dog-shake while tacked up.
Do y’all think the wool pad might be itchy? Should I try something else? If so, what?
Or do you think something else entirely might be causing this behavior?