Therapeutic Horseback Riding Center Needs More Horses and a new Mounting Block

My therapeutic horseback riding center where I ride, Ride On Therapeutic Horsemanship in Chatsworth, CA needs more horses. They have to be sound, bombproof, and around 14-15.2 hands tall. There is never enough horses for the special needs riders to ride and groom; we always have to wait for another rider to finish. Does anyone know or have good horses for therapeutic horseback riding? Here is the link about donating horses to Ride On; it is

Ride On in Chatsworth also needs a new three-step mounting block for one of the arenas because one of them is broken. My dad donated a new mounting block, last year, but it is gone, now. We’re stuck with the broken mounting block while the riders in the other arena get a more stable mounting block. Does anyone have a three-step mounting block that they don’t need? Please go to

Sound, bombproof horses that can do therapeutic sessions to include walk, trot and canter and be under the age 16 are not easy to find. They also want a height range that includes only a couple of inches of allowed height. Add that the program wants the horses donated, when the horses requested actually have a pretty decent market value and are easy to sell, you can understand why the program is short on horses. I’m not saying this to be negative to the program, because I know they need good horses. Those horses they need just happen to be quite special! Good luck to your program!

PATH Intl. Centers give a tax credit for horse donations. Here is the link to PATH Intl. Centers Horse Donations; it is It is a way more thorough explanation of donating horses to a therapeutic riding program like Ride On.

Ride On in Chatsworth, CA needs a new three-step mounting block to replace the broken one with the hole in the bottom of it. The other arena has the good three-step mounting block that my dad donated a couple years ago. Does anyone know how to get a stable three-step mounting block donated to Ride On in Chatsworth?