TheraPlate- thoughts and experiences

Anyone have any TheraPlate experiences they are willing to share?? I haven’t seen any miracles yet, but has stopped a colic, is looking like it is helping with some arthritic horses, and one that has just always been cranky! Super curious to see others personal experiences!:wink:


Saw their website and seems interesting. Would love feedback, too.

My barn recently got one. Haven’t had it long enough though to see how well it works.

I have been using it since the first of December and have seen some amazing results both on my horse and my friends horse. My horse is a 7 yeah old OTTB who I got in Sept. had been ridden 3 times in the past year. Started bringing him back and his stifles started locking up. Did accupuncture and some chiropractic and started him on antiflammatory drugs. Started the Theraplate and he’s doing so much better! I warm him up on it-groom and tack up and it’s as if I’ve been riding for 20-30 min. His stifles are not locking up anymore! His accupuncture is lasting a lot longer and he is off the anti inflammatory meds.

Second case my friend has a TB mare who was so locked up in her shoulder she could barley walk. We put her on the plate and saw immediate results. Two weeks after the chiropractor came to give her an adjustment. Put her on plate 20 min before he came. She normally anxious and very figidity. She stood beautifully and he was very amazed at how much more he could adjust on her. It was a miracle, we turned her out and she galloped free for the first time ever! She couldn’t believe she was moving pain free.

All the horses I have put on it once they trust it LOVE it. For mine it’s their happy place and they do not want to get off. Oh another thing I did was put my trainers horses on it when I was helping her tack up. About horse number 3 she was like this is weird all the horses are working great today. She was very impressed.

The studies I’ve heard about are healing injuries 30-50% faster. A friend used for a deep digital flexor 21mm tear and was back to work in 3 months.

I’ve used it with my Wounded Warrior Veterans that I teach and they like it. Really has helped with his balance issues. A friend who is a PT is using it on stroke patients. Personally I’ve had low back issues for 20 years and get flare ups occasionally and will lay on my horse plate and it immediately gives me relief.

So I guess you could say I’m very impressed with it! Give it a try is 100%money back guarantee! Any other questions just post and I’ll help anyone I can.

ive been impressed and im a hard sell. i know a great rep that can arrange a trail period for you.i can tell a big diffsrencewith how much morse supple my jumper is from the moment i thros a leg over

Best use of my Horse Dollars!

I have been using the Plate for over two years now and cannot imagine not having it for either myself or my horse! My barn pals always whine when I take it to a show for a weekend and they don’t have access to it! For us it’s just part of my daily warm up and cool down… 15-20min before and after work each day. My guy is 13 yo and does upper level dressage work so he works really hard! My girl friends horse had a 21mm supsensory tear that we rehabbed on the plate (she also did shock wave twice) and the mare had a full & complete recovery and has been 100% sound for over 18 months and is back into full work. We’ve also used it for colic on several horses with amazing relief. And of course we all use if for ourselves! Plus we always have friends coming over with various aches and pains that use the plate too. Can’t say enough positive things about the TheraPlate! Every barn should have one!!

Very interesting! Came across a friend on FB who was using it on her horse. Had never heard of them before this. She loves the results on her OTTB

Have to look into them further - for me and the critters! :smiley:

If you are affiliated with the company, forum etiquette suggests that you explicitly identify that.


We used it at Thermal this year and I thought the horses seemed VERY relaxed and stayed sound. It’s expensive, but the horses seem to really like it.

If you are affiliated with the company, forum etiquette suggests that you explicitly identify that. .

Am I “affiliated” with the company? No

Am I looking to buy one? Yes

Might I offer sessions to local horseowners if I do buy one? Yes

Might I consider selling them in the future if I do like them? Yes

I think that pretty well covers all of your concerns … :wink:

Am I “affiliated” with the company? No

Am I looking to buy one? Yes

Might I offer sessions to local horseowners if I do buy one? Yes

Might I consider selling them in the future if I do like them? Yes

I think that pretty well covers all of your concerns … ;)[/QUOTE]

I wasn’t referring to you

Wait, what on earth is a Thera Plate???

Sorry vxf - wrong assumption … :o

dreamingofdressage -

My aunt sells them she sold a ton in wellington while she was there for just a few days i know the dressage people love them and they say that people love them too but personally I cant stand them but from what I can see the horses love them

This is another quick fix scheme to make money (similar to what was being sold by vets - KESMARC - in FL about hyperbaric oxygen until the chamber exploded, killing the horse and an operator).

I was involved with the NASA work 20 years ago. There is a reason the technology never was applied, it only works in very specific cases and instances. I know many here will chime in with anecdotes, however, the medical and scientific literature tells a very different story. For example, the vibration rates touted by the manufacturer has little effect on bone and tendon. We found that low frequencies (20Hz) can help bone mass and tendon thickness but there has to be shock loading involved. Otherwise it is no different than trying to leg up a horse tooling around a groomed arena.

There is absolutely no evidence that this can help with cartilage, etc. When a company promises the list they present (over 28 things listed on the website) it becomes apparent that they have no idea how or why or if their device works. The company is simply trying to sell snake oil. And their list of literature, is limited with all the studies listed stating that WBV is only effective if used in conjunction with conventional therapies. None prove the bone mineral density claim made by the manufacturer.



If anyone has questions regarding how the Theraplate may help your horse or would like more information, please feel free to contact me, I have one and have been using on my 2 show mares and have has very good success with it!
you can email me at

I worked at a university equestrian team barn for a year and we had a TheraPlate that we used for about six horses. I can’t really speak for how well it actually worked, as I didn’t ride the horses there, but they seemed to like it and it was an important task to get done before practice started because we were told the horses were stiffer/took longer to warm up without their TheraPlate sessions in the morning. A horse at the barn where I ride has always used a very similar but more portable mini plate, and it keeps him sound. It may all be voodoo, but in the horses I have been around it keeps them happy and more sound (I say “more sound” because all most school team horses have issues to begin with). So that is my experience with it.

I worked at a university equestrian team barn for a year and we had a TheraPlate that we used for about six horses. I can’t really speak for how well it actually worked, as I didn’t ride the horses there, but they seemed to like it and it was an important task to get done before practice started because we were told the horses were stiffer/took longer to warm up without their TheraPlate sessions in the morning. A horse at the barn where I ride has always used a very similar but more portable mini plate, and it keeps him sound. It may all be voodoo, but in the horses I have been around it keeps them happy and more sound (I say “more sound” because all most school team horses have issues to begin with). So that is my experience with it.[/QUOTE]
It definitely works. My horse gets on it at shows when he’s jumping everyday, and at home once a week. I’ve stood on it myself and you can definitely feel it working. It seems to quickly contract the muscles, makes me feel better after using it, and actually seems to calm me.

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Works on me. Have seen good results on horses, too.

My barn has one, and trainer is generally pleased with the results. Obviously, it can’t fix everything, but the horses walk on to it readily, and stand there while it’s on and vibrating. They seem to like it a lot. My horse tried it, generally liked it, but we didn’t see much improvement. It should be noted that my horse is teetering on the edge of official retirement due to age and injuries, so YMMV.

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