Things are starting to look up!

:D:DJust a update from me:

RA wise im pretty much in the same boat still, tried celebrex to harsh on my stomach, tried naproxen which doesnt work as well as tylenol 3’x. I should be starting a sulfa ra drug after my next visit(all the others have side effects which would aggravate current issues) .

IM getting precision reins for xmas yippee(so now I can comfortably ride my big guys!!

I started at a new dressage barn where my trainer assist coaching the national para team:D:D and I finally found a schooloe who I loff and makes riding fun! 3rd level TB with chrome 16.2hh anf looong neck but he’s got wonderful smooth gaits. Its weird I find BIIG movers more comfy.

And I thought of ted and dressage greek at work(grocery store) when someone bought marshmellow santa men!

These are great news ! Keep it on !

Glad things are starting to look up and that you have gotten a new trainer and are trying different reins. Sometimes it is a matter of perseverance you keep trying until you get it right:-)

Diane Kastama

Ah, that’s awesome! So glad things are going great! I’m sure the reins will help a lot, but not as much as having the right horse! I’m blessed to own my schoolmaster therapy horse! She’s a saint.

Keep the spirit and cheer up throughout the season, you’re an inspiration to us all!

Thanks guys;)

It seems like totally able bodied/minded people seem to not get just how important it is to “click” with a horse… Ive had instructors say “well it shouldnt be that easy” when I switch from a horse to one of the ones i click with(all my fear subsides ect…) and its because that horse gets me better.

Thanks guys;)

It seems like totally able bodied/minded people seem to not get just how important it is to “click” with a horse… Ive had instructors say “well it shouldnt be that easy” when I switch from a horse to one of the ones i click with(all my fear subsides ect…) and its because that horse gets me better.[/QUOTE]

The right horse is PRICELESS. I train for a living, so I’m somewhat forced to get on horses I would rather stay off of.

Of course, before the illness and the fall, I was one of those 21 year olds who would get on anything anywhere without a second thought, but now I value myself a little more - At 22, I just don’t bounce back as well as I did at 21 :lol:

So yeah, I’m VERY fortunate to have my Vegas. She’s my saint. She was a therapy horse flunk-out, turned eventer, and now has a second chance at that therapy career - she’s doing awesome :slight_smile:

Having been on both sides, I remember thinking how “old women and babies” always seemed scared to get on the raunchy ones and I never was, but now I look back at that mindset and realize how narrow-minded it is. Unless you’ve had the need for the right therapy horse and have had it filled, you just don’t know the value.

So I’m very glad that you have such an awesome horse! That’s so great for you! And I hope the new treatment works for you and that the Thinline reins are everything you need them to be!

Merry Christmas!