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Thinking about western dressage. Need saddle suggestions

I wish you the best of luck.

Have you tried riding him in a hackamore? At least occasionally to give his mouth a break? I found my old show horse loved a hackamore, he came from a western background that used severe bits and a lot of yanking etc… The hackamore was a nice break for him and he still did everything asked (like side pass) without the head issues. I still used direct rein rather than neck reining, he still figured it out. I used a jumping hackamore, it had a padded nose band with rings on each side for the reins.

Obviously not legal for showing but a nice change of pace and break while riding at home.

I think you can use a bosal for cowboy dressage classes.

Yes, bitless is under consideration… however frankly I am not so sure I can handle it. I was hurt badly off a bolting horse about 15 years ago… and it still causes me anxiety. :frowning:

I have one of these saddles and love it!

Holy moly. The knee blocks on that Circle Y dressage saddle make it look like your thigh/leg has to be completely straight! Maybe I’m just seeing things…someone tell me I’m wrong!?

At one time the thigh blocks on the Circle Y actually made it an illegal saddle in the show ring. Not sure if that has been clarified.

I’m in the same boat! I did find DP Saddles which have wool panels like a English saddle. They are fully adaptable as well. It’s a little pricey at 3-4k. I’m told to also look for very short and rounded skirt. I’ve also seen some saddles that have a rigging that has 3 positions. My trainer who rides both dressage types said circle y seems to sit people well, depending upon style. You will need to find out what size “bars” will fit. Fortunately I have a quarter horse (doing 4th level dressage) so I know she needs full quarter horse bars.

I don’t have much to add for saddle suggestions because I ride in a $400 Circle Y Eq that is older than me but does the trick but welcome to the WD world! Are you on FB? If so, there is a “western dressage for adult amateurs” group that might be helpful to join and post in for saddle suggestions

I also started riding in a Circle Y Equitation saddle, it’s heavy…has a little bling (though not much) but the position is awesome. And I only spent I think $600 on it (plus shipping) because the person won it and never used it.

Now, if I could just find reins I like…

wow, I started this thread years ago! I finally got a Harmony Western Saddle. It has panels like an english saddle. I admit I never really did much with that horse, he never really accepted contact and now had cataracts compromising his vision. Living the good life tho!!


Not sure what your budget is but you might like the Schleese western saddles.

Just wanted to add, western saddle ‘tree’ needs to fit the horse, just like an English saddle. The correct width, the ‘rock’ (bars or rails), no pressure on the loins etc. When I had a really fussy Morgan (understandably) she was uncomfortable, I had one custom made. I had 4 bare trees to try on her, got the right fit and went from there. Was expensive but made all the difference to her. She started to enjoy riding again. If you want the best fit possible, perhaps try the ‘Steele’ saddle tree fit option. They send out fibreglass forms and show how to get the best fit. JJ Maxwell saddlery in California builds with these as does Allegany Mountain trail saddles in NY.

Which model Crates do you have?

Both of mine are reiners - I think one is a supreme, and one a ladies. To me they seem identical. They are the 4517 model (still made, I think) and the 4518 (not made for very long, as far as I can tell).

This is the 4517:

And the 4518:


Thanks! Nice saddles and a nice horse!

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