Thinline products for rider comfort?


I have a damaged spine and tailbone, and have been classified Grade 5 Para.

It was suggested I use Thinline products (saddle pad and or half pad), but I appreciate hearing the good, the bad or the ugly before I buy anything.

Edited to add, I already ride in a WOW which has Flair.

Thanks :slight_smile:

My husband and I use the contender pad which is Back on track with a Thinline pad integrated with it. The horse like them. What my husband also used is the Thinline seat cushion. The story of his trying it out is both illustrative and humorous.

Husband would complain his butt hurt after a ride of 3 miles or more. I ordered a thinline seat cover before a major weekend trail riding event. First day we did an 8 mile mountain ride. This was the conversation as we went home.

Me: Did the seat cover work?

Husband: No It didn’t?

Me: Do you hurt?

Husband: Not really but I don’t think it worked.

Next day we did 17 miles conversation on way home.

Me: Did the seat cover work?

Husband: No it didn’t

Me: Sigh okay tell me where you hurt and I’ll see what I can figure out on getting you a new seat cover.

Husband: Well I don’t hurt anywhere but it can’t work it’s too thin.

Me: Two days in a row you have ridden further than you ever had before. and don’t hurt. It works.


LOVE LOVE LOVE my thinline half pad!! I can feel the difference about 10 minutes into my ride when I do not have one under my saddle and for days after. What is really nice it is so thin that it does not affect the fit of my saddle, also depending on the pad you get some you can put in shims to help with minor fit issues.

It really helps to reduce the impact on my lower back into my upper back and neck, I have old injures from falling off and a horrible car accident and my thinline keeps me riding. I would suggest if you could borrow one before purchasing that way you know its right for you.

I use a thin line pad under the saddle and a thin line seat saver on top of the saddle. Both help with concussion

oh I’m so happy to hear this! I love Thinline, and have felt a huge difference with their pads even, but haven’t made the dice to buy the seat cover and didn’t know if it’s really bulky or what… but thank you for sharing… off to order!

Not at all bulky and you won’t even feel it. Can’t show in a seat saver without a dispensation letter.