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This Freakin’ Weather!

One of the globes on the light post in my front garden blew off and broke yesterday. Not what I wanted to come home to.

Young mare was losing her marbles during work last night, got a quick what for, and decided she would rather play by the rules (thank god).

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Here in the Canadian prairies in the month of February we started the month with extremely warm temps and melting that wreaked havoc - Sunny and highs of up to 10c/50f
This week alone we had a blizzard on Sunday/Monday which left 2-3 feet of snow and awful wind, then the temps dropped to -30f Tues/Wed, yesterday the day started -30f and ended at +5f, today we will get up to 40f, it’s going to snow all weekend with reasonable winter temps (+20 to -5f) and by next Tuesday we’ll be back into the deep freeze… just to get above freezing again the following weekend.

Spring cannot come soon enough if only to get us away from the snow/ice/mud cycle.


It is a global problem…nothern Italy here and same song, in one week we went from sunny 20 C , to 5 C, to very windy 10 C, then 3 heavy rainy days (muddy mess). Ah, and we had hail too. Horses are completely nuts but that is no big deal because we both have this respiratory virus since the first days of february and we are not riding at all . The weirdest Winter I can recall in years




I’m over it. Things are blooming and I’m tired of the gray and the dark and the cold and the wet, I want to go outside and play. I’m in Oregon, and while we usually don’t have the extremes others do, it still gets to you. The mud. The endless gray. The weeds that bloom and set seed before you even have a chance to get outside.
The ‘which blanket do I need today’ game. The abscesses. Being stuck in the indoor instead of going outside to ride.
The car that looks like it came from some homeless camp because you can’t even try to keep it clean, there’s too much mud, I don’t think the barn driveway has ever been this bad.


I did chores last night for my BO/friend (three horses on property). By requests of owners:

  • Partially clipped mare had heavy hood removed, was left in heavy blanket + liner
  • Senior TB was swapped out of heavy + hood into 100g
  • My stocky, very furry, kinda chunky boi went back and forth between medium and sheet as I cursed my lack of 100g option. Ended up leaving him in a sheet because the high today is 45. It was supposed to be low teens overnight but they’re out of the wind in stalls…

There are no right answers anymore. Just mud, confusion, frozen mud you can break an ankle on, sadness, and wind.


I have 5 different weather apps on my phone alone, with differing services powering each app. Turnout and blanketing on sketchy days is always a "do they agree at some point that there is going to be " Then I look at the radar and the wind patterns, cross my fingers, and make a decision!

I swear, it’s one of the most stressful parts of my day LOL


My coworker’s power came on sometime around 4AM. He noticed the furnace came on, though the house was still pretty cool.

It’s pretty nice here today though. I’ve been in the backyard for about an hour with my BC playing fetch. She’s very happy.

Oooh that was quite a while then. Mine went off just after I replied to this thread until about 11-11:30ish.

It’s so much nicer today. Yesterday was miserably cold. Apparently spring is on its way. We already have bulbs coming up…which is super weird. I mean I’ll take it… But there’s a sense of existential doom.


My snowdrops are sprouting on the south side of the house where the snow has been gone for a few days, I haven’t seen anything else up yet. I’m having a loss of tulips the last few years, so I need to get some fresh bulbs, my daffodils are testy, only bloom every now and then, though they always come up. Crocus don’t seem to like my yard either, even though I love them, I haven’t figured out what is missing that they actually propagate.

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I sort of don’t mind it. I tore the blankets off and it’s been a very early spring. The snow has long melted and there hasn’t been any rain lately, so really no mud either…really can’t complain. We’re in southeast WI. I feel bad for those that have a lot of mud and grey skies :pensive:

I just don’t know how they get through the hard frozen ground! They must be strong buggers!

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Very hearty! The one’s closest to the house always come up first, being southern exposure, the ground thaws early there.

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A few days ago, it was nearly 60F for a high during the day, and then hit -4F for the low that evening. I don’t think we broke the record for the biggest temperature swing, but it was at least top 5.

Yesterday it was 50F and beautiful. Today is freezing rain and snow, but it least it’s not too cold (about 34F).

I hate the freezing to warm to freezing swings. I wish it would either stay below freezing or stay above. It makes a mud mess!


Well, pushing Wednesday’s lesson to today was the right call. It’s a lovely mild 50°F today, no Wizard of Oz-esque wind storms.

Pony rejoined civil society - had a solid lesson and then felt confident enough in him to put my 4yo niece on him for her first ever ride. He tiptoed away from the mounting block with her like he knew he was responsible for some precious cargo. She had a blast and kept asking when she could come back again.

Sowing the seed for one more tiny rider… my heart is full.


And now there is snow. A lot of snow.

Yup. It’s been snowing all day and isn’t supposed to stop until about 4AM tomorrow. I’m supposed to leave for a show at 8:30.

I know it’s only March and there will be plenty of other opportunities this season, but I will be so bummed if we can’t go because of this weather. It’d be the perfect low pressure schooling opportunity before a bigger, more formal show we’ve got coming up next month. :sob:

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So what’s the word?

Mission accomplished. Mother Nature cut us a break and baby horse came to play! Just his second show. To do it in 20°F weather, off the trailer without putting a foot wrong? I’m thrilled.

Made it home safely, he’s happily romping in the snow with his buddies and I’m thawing out. Now to take our homework and get ready for our next one in mid-April.


Congratulations! That is a special accomplishment in iffy weather conditions. :champagne: :clinking_glasses: