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This Freakin’ Weather!

Hopefully I’m not the only one feeling this way, but I am over the rollercoaster weather this winter. Feel free to rant with me if that’s the case.

Saturday (2/24): Actual high temp 24°F, Real Feel in the single digits all day.

Tuesday (2/27): Actual high temp 70°F.

Today (2/28): Actual temp at noon: 65°F. Forecasted to drop to 20°F by 8pm, Real Feel 10°F. Sustained 30mph winds, gusts to 50mph. Thunderstorms all morning, expecting snow tonight. Temps in the teens tomorrow.

Rode yesterday afternoon - my normally chill gelding was seeing ghosts and just about jumping out of his skin. I really try not to be that weenie amateur who calls off a lesson because of stuff like this, but he was so not himself yesterday that I want to say “Not today, Satan.” Just texted my trainer to ask if we can reschedule tonight’s 7pm lesson for this weekend (temps back in the 60s because the rollercoaster persists). Playing blanket roulette is getting old too.

Ok, rant over. I think I feel better now. Anybody else?


Almost 90 here yesterday and 30 when I woke up with serious wind gusts.

I’m not even bothering doing groundwork in this, I prefer life. The horses have their blankets back on since they all shedded out early, and it will be back up to the high 70s in a day or so…so yay.


70 today, dropping to 30 tonight. Windy as all get out. Rain and mud is back, and we’d JUST dried out a bit :sob:

The horses are all enjoying the round bale but I’m expecting squirrels in their brains. Bringing them in for a late dinner to hopefully put them out in their blankets without them sweating.


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You all must be east of me.

Yesterday hit 70 and we rode outside, didn’t even canter, and ended up a sweaty mess…

…that I then had to curry, handwalk, curry, and turn back out for a while so the sweat would dry and I could put on his Medium before leaving.

It was 14 degrees and SUPER WINDY when I woke up. Should have put on his heavy.

I am in the northern midwest and 10 years ago, I would set a horse up with her heavy in December and not need to rotate blankets through beginning of March. Current horse has been in his sheet, medium, heavy, and naked all in February.

My usually mild mannered boy has also chosen these last few weeks to refuse to come inside at turn in, preferring to stay outside in the dark by himself for reasons unknown (which is not allowed so my poor friend has to spend 20 mins trying to bring him in. He apparently doesn’t care for grain anymore).

I hate it.


Warmest winter I ever recall. Definitely weird! I prefer my 4 seasons to actually be 4 seasons. But what are you gonna do? We’re not calling the shots on this one! Just get the horses through and pray no one colics.


Some places in the Midwest are still getting 4 seasons, they just happen to all be in the same week


Gotta love rotating between a sheet, medium blanket, and heavy blanket in the span of a few days! My boarding barn will take off overly heavy blankets during the day but we have to come out to “re-dress” at night and that isn’t always possible. I’ve been using a sheet for the past few days rather than have a heavy blanket then end up naked. And keeping all fingers and toes crossed that the rapid weather changes don’t get him worked up into a colic (something he loves to do, frequently)…


What the forecast is right now:

Old man winter is off his meds, or is it mother nature?

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And then down to -14 tonight! This wind is also super fun. We are supposedly getting up to 90 km winds too! Something is blowing through here now and it looks very menacing.


A coworker of mine lost power in Dunrobin. Fortunately he brought lots of wood in for the woodstove just in case this morning. The boss and I suggested hotdogs and marshmallows for a do it yourself supper tonight if he doesn’t want to get out the generator.

The rain has stopped here for now. Hope some of it runs off before the temperature drops much more, it feels cooler than the weather network thinks it should be.


It’s awful! I brought everyone inside and waited until the last possible second to blanket. It was 55 and I swear they all looked at me like I had three heads. All I could say was, “trust me, I’m your mother.”

The wind is whipping and the rain just started. Wind chill will be well into the negatives overnight. Sunshine but still cold tomorrow, and then back to weird, early spring on Friday.


My (male) trainer likes to say that if “Father Nature” were in charge the weather would have fewer mood swings. Naturally, when we have this kind of nonsense, I blame Father Nature, loudly, where he can hear me.


I hope my horse has the sense to go in his shed tonight. Kind of day where you can only get the blankets right if you’re changing rugs every 2 hours.


Yup same…my friend reported they were supposed to get power back by 8… No idea why the power went. I’m assuming something blew down.

I leave my horses outside in almost everything, but I caved and brought them in at 9 pm because they were leaping around in the fresh mud like lunatics. This wind and temp change are truly unreal. Of course I had already battled the gale to groom and blanket them outside (because it was freakin 65 today so everyone rolled naked after it rained) before I decided I really couldn’t leave them there. Then once they were inside I realized they would be warm and had to switch blankets yet again. :woman_facepalming:

My husband was driving home from work a little while ago and said he could see the glow of transformers blowing in all directions.


Southern Ontario is still getting 4 seasons, they just happen to all be in the same day.

Fixed it for those of us who are standing around in barn aisles with various weather apps open discussing how to dress our horses this minute and how that will work out for the minute following this minute. It’s bonkers.

:hushed: Not good. Glad to have power on at the barn and home and nothing crazy on the drive besides my car’s lane assist having fits about the track bare conditions. Every few minutes it would flip it’s shizzle and tell me I was crossing a line. Nope. The track just got a little narrow there, calm down and let me drive. Clearly you are just as confused as Old Man Winter.


This. I’ve ping ponged between no blanket, 0g sheet, 80g lite, and 360g heavy in just the last 72 hours. Horses stayed in today because it was raining sideways with thunder and lightning. Everybody got a break from the blankets until about 6 tonight when they all had to be bundled back into their heavies.

Normally meticulous barn owner said screw it and left everyone’s turnout sheets on tack trunks in the aisle instead of hung up properly. No point going to that trouble when we’re just going to swap them back around at turn in tomorrow night.

The horses are sick of it, the humans are sick of it. Nobody’s having a good time right now.


Welcome to TX. :rofl:

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Sounds like totally normal winter weather to me :sweat_smile:


This is 90% of my social interaction these days :laughing:Just me and the BO standing in the dry lot (where we can get signal) comparing weather apps.


I spiritually belong in your barn. My barn knows I’m crazy.