This migraine WON'T GO AWAY (caution: whinning ahead)

So i finally thought i had the combination to put and end to my migraines. Expensive, but it had been working everytime. I of those uber expensive migraine pills+ 2 pills of paracetamol & codeine and in 30 min to a few hours i was migraine free. But not this time. It takes the edge off and after a few hours, it comes back on full force. This has been going on for the past 3 days.

Anybody got a brain to spare?

Well, I had migraine headaches but didn’t take anything but the occasional aspirin for it.

Then I had a monster headache, the kind you want to hit your head on the wall, that kept staying on for 11 days.
I then gave up and went to the Dr, that gave me a shot, told me to lay there and sleep it off (didn’t want me driving right then).
He put me on Imitrex if I ever started having another headache start.
I used that maybe two times, but hitting menopause right after that, the headaches started to get less and less and now they are rare.

I wonder if you are getting there now and are following such a pattern also?
Just don’t wait 11 days to go to the Dr!:eek:
He scolded me about that.:wink:

Nope sorry! Im day 2, but its my fault, i had sugery last fri andhavent taken my meds regularly while doped up.

Longest was 8days!

I had one last May/June that lasted 6 days went through all my imitrex and painkillers just to function. I now keep a stash of each for the migraines that go for days. I never use to get them for that long but menopause seems to bring on more.

It’s funny (well not really comical) but surgery always brings on a major migraine for me as well. But I cannot seem to convince the nurses that I get really sick from the migraines and need the imitrex until I start throwing up. Suddenly when I get real sick “the doctor called back and approved the imitrex”…

Here, the migraine pills for sale don’t have more than 6 a box! And they cost a F*cking fortune! No doubt a great strategy by the pharmaceutical companies for desperate people like me.

I am nowhere close to hitting menopause. I’d gladly remove my oavries but everyone says i’m “too young”. FRACK THAT! I’m 34, i don’t want kids and i really don’t see how early menopause could be any worse than popping on drugs that could knock down a horse on a daily basis. the fact that i still have a stomach alone is a mystery to modern medicine…