No No No No No No
I am certainly all for USEF taking action and disciplining its members when abuse is proven. But this is not the way to do it. This is incredibly stupid. It opens the door for anyone who has a gripe against a trainer or other horseperson to report “abuse.” But the potential for weaponization is not what I’m on about.
It’s the fact that USEF is essentially a club. It’s a non-profit organization of horse people who wish to compete at shows which are private. The bottom line here is that the USEF can make all the rules they want, but they have NO JURISDICTION to adjudicate anything that happens on private property. This rule change has zero teeth. It even states that the rule applies to persons and/or horses that used to be members/registered with USEF. So, in their eyes, if you decide to just quit USEF, you can still be found “guilty” of horse abuse. What exactly will be the “punishment?” Banning you from membership, showing, show grounds, etc.? If you are the kind of person who engages in horse abuse, I sincerely doubt you’ll change your ways if you can’t show or coach at shows. People who treat animals this way also treat humans this way. They are not moral people. They simply won’t care.
Do I like the fact that USEF is trying to make positive change? Yes. But l don’t think this is the way to do it. JMHO