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Thought I would ask as I am looking

Are we really still talking about this?


It has entered legend status now.

“The Tale of the Pony and the Saddle”

Hundreds of years from now, Disney will make a movie about it, with a cool catchy song.

Except the OP posted on an INTERNET FORUM, one she knew the PO was also a member of, about her experience, then shared identifying information about the PO, basically outing her.

If that’s not kicking the hornets nest, I don’t know what is. Did the situation suck? Yeah, it did. But the OP brought that pile-on ENTIRELY on herself.[/QUOTE]

Outing who? How many people read this board on a daily basis? How in the world would 99% know who the pony owner was, really?

After the way the pony owner treated the OP, I think they should be outed so people can choose if they want to do business with someone who would lead on an “overly enthusiastic” newbie ( which there is no crime in being).

The only problem here is with a dishonest pony owner taking advantage of someone’s trusting nature and inexperience with horses . All they had to do to avoid any of this was be upfront from the get go. They chose to be very vague instead.

As far as the way the thread spiraled. It was just plain strange and those people need more time outside riding and less at a computer.

I hope the OP finds a great pony soon. You don’t need a lot of money to provide an excellent home for horses.

Outing who? How many people read this board on a daily basis? How in the world would 99% know who the pony owner was, really?

After the way the pony owner treated the OP, I think they should be outed so people can choose if they want to do business with someone who would lead on an “overly enthusiastic” newbie ( which there is no crime in being).

The only problem here is with a dishonest pony owner taking advantage of someone’s trusting nature and inexperience with horses . All they had to do to avoid any of this was be upfront from the get go. They chose to be very vague instead.

As far as the way the thread spiraled. It was just plain strange and those people need more time outside riding and less at a computer.

I hope the OP finds a great pony soon. You don’t need a lot of money to provide an excellent home for horses.[/QUOTE]

She posted the join date and number of posts which made it quite simple to find out who the PO was.

How is repeating that they would work out the details after they met leading anyone on? OP wanted to hear that the ‘free pony’ was theirs, but it wasn’t. PO doing due diligence on someone taking away a prized member of the family SHOULD do that.
As a non-newbie to the horse world, I would wonder what was ‘up’ if a show pony who was safe enough for beginners was just shipped to me willy-nilly, 7 hours away, with the owner never meeting me face-to-face.

English is not PO’s first language. She probably couldn’t read the ‘crazy’ OP was dishing out.

I hope OP finds a pony too, but only after she gets the vet out for her mare, establishes an emergency fund, and realizes that pimping the pony out for ‘pony rides’ 1)will not cover the bills 2)will be a liability issue.

The posting by the OP allowed all of us to figure out just who the real pony owner was.

My question is now: Since amiblue the OP was a new poster, is she an alter for someone else on Coth?

I’m on the Je Suis PonyOwner team.

It has entered legend status now.

“The Tale of the Pony and the Saddle”

Hundreds of years from now, Disney will make a movie about it, with a cool catchy song.[/QUOTE]

For the record, if there are any movie producers reading this, I am available to play myself.

[QUOTE=The Saddle;8140487]
For the record, if there are any movie producers reading this, I am available to play myself.[/QUOTE]

An obvious choice. You wouldn’t want some inferior brand of saddle to play such an expensive Saddle. And Disney will be PG, so all can watch the film. Now will PonyOwner play herself or have the pony owner play that role? And of course the Pony is so cute that she will star and everyone will want a pony like her.

If so, my bets are on CandyAppy… in her eyes, Amiblue can do no wrong!

If so, my bets are on CandyAppy… in her eyes, Amiblue can do no wrong![/QUOTE]

Me too. She sounds like the only one who has read both threads and still doesn’t get the crazy the OP was dishing.

roamingnome, we had a roaming gnome in our neighborhood in New Haven, CT, taken out of the garden of a graduate student couple. He apparently went on sebatacle backpacking to europe. He even was seen in the Swiss Alps! Yes, the couple got postcards and photos back from him from all over. It was lots of fun seeing where he had been. And, at the end of the semester, he was actually returned to his garden. What a hoot!!

I dunno… I too find it odd that candyappy is such a STRIDEN supporter of amiblue but the facts just don’t add up for them to be the same person unless the (well established, well fleshed out) candyappy persona is the made up one. We know clearly from the trainwreck thread that the real pony owner and amiblue are both located in Florida. Candyappy has staked a pretty well-established claim to NOT be in Florida and to in fact being in Missouri. Various other details are a mismatch. I love a good sleuthing but I don’t think there’s a match here.

[QUOTE=Ambitious Kate;8140944]
Me too. She sounds like the only one who has read both threads and still doesn’t get the crazy the OP was dishing.

roamingnome, we had a roaming gnome in our neighborhood in New Haven, CT, taken out of the garden of a graduate student couple. He apparently went on sebatacle backpacking to europe. He even was seen in the Swiss Alps! Yes, the couple got postcards and photos back from him from all over. It was lots of fun seeing where he had been. And, at the end of the semester, he was actually returned to his garden. What a hoot!![/QUOTE]

So cool! I got the idea from the Amazing Race/travelocity- favorite show, and I love to travel!

I dunno… I too find it odd that candyappy is such a STRIDEN supporter of amiblue but the facts just don’t add up for them to be the same person unless the (well established, well fleshed out) candyappy persona is the made up one. We know clearly from the trainwreck thread that the real pony owner and amiblue are both located in Florida. Candyappy has staked a pretty well-established claim to NOT be in Florida and to in fact being in Missouri. Various other details are a mismatch. I love a good sleuthing but I don’t think there’s a match here.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm… so confused on the loyalty then.
Unless, she’s the rescue mare’s breeder??? I was so hoping that the breeder would have made an appearance on the other thread.

Hmmm… so confused on the loyalty then.
Unless, she’s the rescue mare’s breeder??? I was so hoping that the breeder would have made an appearance on the other thread.[/QUOTE]

That sounds plausible. Let’s go with that.

The pony rides for money thing isn’t so – I firmly believe she said her kids were going to get “pony rides” and the pony owner misunderstood that.

The rest of it, I am sure, is quite factual.

Maybe Candyappy just believes the pony owner acted deceptively? And the OP had a point? I am not even taking sides, but it is conceivable that someone would think the OP was the wronged party.

You know f you read the original post, the OP was ready to back out on the deal at any time if the pony was not suitable for HER. So it was clear all round that the deal was not set in stone. At least until the trailer was open .

Also, we never found out how much the deal breaking saddle was so no need to assume that there was ‘expensive equipment’ involved.

She posted the join date and number of posts which made it quite simple to find out who the PO was.

How is repeating that they would work out the details after they met leading anyone on? OP wanted to hear that the ‘free pony’ was theirs, but it wasn’t. PO doing due diligence on someone taking away a prized member of the family SHOULD do that.
As a non-newbie to the horse world, I would wonder what was ‘up’ if a show pony who was safe enough for beginners was just shipped to me willy-nilly, 7 hours away, with the owner never meeting me face-to-face.

English is not PO’s first language. She probably couldn’t read the ‘crazy’ OP was dishing out.

I hope OP finds a pony too, but only after she gets the vet out for her mare, establishes an emergency fund, and realizes that pimping the pony out for ‘pony rides’ 1)will not cover the bills 2)will be a liability issue.[/QUOTE]

  1. I guess it was simple for those who knew how to do that. Some of us wouldn’t have a clue and still wouldn’t if the info was there.

  2. If the owner knew the person was coming with a trailer ( he/ she did by the emails posted) the owner should have said right then that they just wanted to meet OP and her family and see how they fit with the pony. So leave the trailer at home.

  3. If you want to live here then learn how to speak and read English. Reading would be much easier to understand. That is no excuse.

  4. When to get a vet, having an emergency fund and what OP does with any pony that is in her care is none of your concern.

If so, my bets are on CandyAppy… in her eyes, Amiblue can do no wrong![/QUOTE]

I agree with you about candyappy.

And so now will the roamingnome be riding the Pony or the Trailer? That would be cute. Those romingnomes are so cute and a fun thing to do.

Hmmm… so confused on the loyalty then.
Unless, she’s the rescue mare’s breeder??? I was so hoping that the breeder would have made an appearance on the other thread.[/QUOTE]

The strident loyalty is confusing to me as well. But there’s a lid for every pot. I agree with some of what candyappy says because I think there’s some blame on both sides of the original transaction. It’s just that amiblue refused to even accept the possibility that she in part led to the clusterf*ck and the real PO, though other posters, admitted readily that she could have communicated and handled things better.

I just don’t think candyappy is an alter. That’s a legit screen name.


  1. I guess it was simple for those who knew how to do that. Some of us wouldn’t have a clue and still wouldn’t if the info was there.

  2. If the owner knew the person was coming with a trailer ( he/ she did by the emails posted) the owner should have said right then that they just wanted to meet OP and her family and see how they fit with the pony. So leave the trailer at home.

  3. If you want to live here then learn how to speak and read English. Reading would be much easier to understand. That is no excuse.

  4. When to get a vet, having an emergency fund and what OP does with any pony that is in her care is none of your concern.[/QUOTE]

Uh, do you speak a foreign language?
Anything at all?
English isn’t easy to learn, and there are nuances that are tricky.
I am at it for over 20 years, submerged, and another 10 or so in school…I am sure there are things that throw me for a loop still.

Not to mention, there are people who don’t do subtle.
Some don’t even understand ‘no’ in it’s simplicity!

In other words, the pony owner was within her rights to refuse to let the free pony go to whomever.

Have some cervesa and guac…