Thoughts on Anna Merritt as a clinician

Our GMO is considering putting on a clinic later this year and someone mentioned Anna Merritt as a possible clinician.

If you have experience with Anna as a clinician, please let me know (PM is fine).


Where is the clinic?

I know of (not personally) an Amanda Merritt, a trainer in Texas who occasionally gives clinics.

Thanks, but no, this is definitely Anna Merritt. She is in Ocala.


Looks a bit short on experience;

Thanks. I’ve done this research. I’m hoping to hear about personal experiences.


I know someone who trained with her for a year or two and had positive experiences! I don’t know too many of the details but I do know that Anna was able to help her finish getting scores through PSG for silver medal.


Anna has been a clinician for our GMO, STRIDE. Folks like her. I’d recommend her.


I have ridden with Anna on a couple of occasions. Yes she’s young but she has a lot of experience through the levels with many different horses. I found her to be clear and with very good exercises to help where you need it. Watching her teach a couple of others while I waited my turn she was consistent with them as well.

I wish, in hindsight, I had used my last lesson as test prep not “work on the thing that’s been an issue for a while”, because I had a show 2 days later and that’s really not the time to tackle the BIG THING. But that’s on me for not picking the right thing to work on.

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I have ridden with Anna and I like her. She’s well educated and clear in what she’s communicating.


Um, just want to clarify: Anna’s last name is Marek, not Merritt.

There are two different dressage riders/trainers, both in Florida. Anna Merritt in Ocala, Anna Marek in Dunnellon.


My bad! Thank you! I did not realize there were two Annas. Sorry, sorry

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No problem!

I’m sure people mix them up all the time. Must drive them nuts. :blush: