Thoughts on "The Traveling Horse Witch?"

Your restraint is remarkable. I had someone offer me a glimpse (shh, don’t tell! lol) and “hot mess” is really the kindest, most charitable way to describe it.


I’ve been following this thread with interest, as my curiosity has been piqued as well by the air of mystery that surrounds the Balance Through Movement Method… That being said, I’ve had interest in biomechanics for decades. I’ve bought and read books and articles by Hilary Clayton, Susanne Von Dietse, Jec Ballou, Jim Masterson, and the list goes on. ALL of the above mentioned have resources online that are available without upfront cost prior to buying books, DVDs, online courses, etc so I can get an idea of what they teach and whether it is something I haven’t already explored. I even get a bit of general instruction on giving it a whirl and seeing how it works.

If those who have mentioned that you get what you pay for on YouTube are suggesting that the above people are beneath the Traveling Horse Witch, I’d respectfully disagree! :slight_smile:


I ran across this transformation and just had to laugh. Sure there are a lot others that are a lot more realistic but this just gave me a chuckle.

I may end up just biting the bullet and joining the group. But looking at my horse there are some aspects that look like the after photos… So is it even worth it? To me his problem area is his hind end although it sounds like that is not a theory that is believed by this group. Again, it’s just hard to know when you have to pay to get any idea about it at all.


If the real results are so great, why do they need to post this? My non-horsey husband just walked by and was like, “LOL they could have faked that better.”


She shares what her clients send her. Most aren’t like this but yeah, I would not have shared this one lol! Doesn’t add anything good in this case.

I cant get past the photo shop on that one.
When do we get to see them ride…??


Yes the photoshop is embarrassing. It seems many do ride and that there is riding instruction with the method. But what that entails is hard to know since I’m not a member.

Here is one person who rides and blogs about her experience. If the link will work.

Another video on her account.

That’s not Celeste.

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Oh okay. I couldn’t tell by how it was written. I will edit.

Here is a transformation that looks pretty remarkable and no apparent Photoshop.

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Literally all that is is the horse holding his head a foot lower.


Yes the head is lower which is a gripe I have about the comparisons. I wish they would try and recreate the exact same posture to show changes better. But I still do see clear changing in the top line. The question is would the horse have changed but just regular dressage work as well?

I’m just trying to be fair in both my criticism and my praise of the little I know of it. Which is not much since it’s behind a paywall…


The horse is holding his head lower and has packed on some pounds and muscle. His general conformation is still the same


Fair enough. I mean I will say my own horse has made good changes and I have not done this program. Just regular dressage work, a good feed program, lots of turnout and regular body work/saddle fitting.


My horse holding his head up:

My horse two steps later holding his head lower:

It’s amazing how much conditioning and re-education of the brachiosephalic muscle 1.5 seconds of walking into a different camera angle can achieve.


Unless absolutely everything else such as pose, setting, coat and lighting are exactly the same (and they never are), ‘befores & afters’ just strike me as a big ‘fu’ to whoever cared for the horse prior, and it suggests something unappealing about the poster’s personality. Even IF all else is the same, B&As don’t give the whole story.


I understand what you were saying and that is part of why I have such a problem with the program basically being behind a paywall. I think it should be more transparent instead of just before and afters.

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And it is clean in the bottom photo. Maybe this technique keeps your horse clean?


I think that horse looks better, but I wouldn’t call it remarkable. Just what I would expect from appropriate work and nutrition. There were much more remarkable before and after photos in a thread here, which I can’t seem to find at the moment. Also, we don’t know what the time difference was here, and what else may have changed - bodywork, change in nutrition, hoof care, etc.

Here is my mare when I went to look at her, a few days before her 4 yo birthday, and then on her 5 yo birthday, with just the normal training level dressage work and better nutrition. Nothing majickal needed, but you do have to trust the process while also keeping a critical eye and making tweaks as necessary. She is much more muscular now in her butt and neck now that she’s doing 2nd level work.