Thoughts on "The Traveling Horse Witch?"

More interesting shares of personal experiences from the group. I was aware Celeste had a penchant for stealing other people’s photos to critique, but this is pretty messed up.


Looks like you hit a nerve.


Yeah, she complained about it to COTH.


Always fascinating when people share their entire lives on the internet and then get mad when… People read the things they share publicly.


Also for the record, I am not the woman who was kicked out of the group for questioning the made up credentials, since Celeste’s groupies seem to have chosen to make her the scapegoat for this whole charade. Funny how getting caught lying is suddenly “a witch hunt”.


As the saying goes “Presentation is everything!” and what she presented was everything, for better or worse.


It’s astonishing the amount of info we share about ourselves on the internet. I’m sure it is a surprise to see it all in one place.

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It’s not a bad practice to take inventory of what’s out there linked back to you. Google yourself, see what comes up, and request the removal of anything you don’t want. Or clean your own house and start deleting old blogs, public posts, etc.


There is a whole lot of verbal tap dancing around the education issues in that facebook post. Not “flashing around pieces of papers(sic) to elicit pseudo credibility”? The entire post sounds as if it was made by a high school student. The “Hey loves” salutation and the signature, “Sincerely, Me”. Really?

She doesn’t want people to hire her because of trophies or titles or degrees that she has? What “degrees”? A massage license is not a degree. There is nothing wrong with being a message therapist, but it is not a degree.

Honestly presenting your CV is not “flashing pieces of papers (sic) around” it is providing your credentials before you take people’s money.

Of course, advertising yourself as the “Traveling Horse Witch” doesn’t lead most people to expect much.

She “could care less” what people think? Apparently not. :thinking:


For real! She’s mad that people are looking at, and I quote, “what is on [her] PINTEREST”?

Isn’t the whole point of having a Pinterest that people look at what is on your Pinterest?


Half her marketing and a lot of the money she has made presumably come from her social media but now she’s mad that people are looking at her social media.

Ok then.


If you calculate the amount of money she’s made on her FB group alone, the amount is staggering. But when people read her public FB posts, that’s… Stalking? Weird double standard, but okay.




I had to look at the rest of them. That clinic package really covers the whole gamut of “Did you use the credit card for this?!”.


Ok that post of hers answers any questions I might have had. No credentials no professionalism and possibly a bit nuts too. I expect most of us here have more horse experience and training chops than she does. It’s an ongoing phenomenon to have basically horse beginners with effective marketing set themselves up as trainers


Hello everyone. My name is my “screen name.” I am the woman Celeste unceremoniously dismissed from her master class because I questioned her statement about having a degree in “neuropsychology.” (So far: BS in Animal science, psychology with neuroscience, neuropsychology, pre veterinarian, pre medicine ). Which is not even an actual “degree” but rather a field. Like. Forensics. Anyway. She booted me and refused to refund me because I “broke a rule.” She never gave me the requested screenshot of the “rule,” even though I asked four times. Now she is labeling me the “lonely woman” with a “graveyard” of lost friendships and saying I am siccing people on her. Because apparently, I am so bored and lonely that’s all I have to do.
I so appreciate the woman who posted the screenshots that showed what Celeste is capable of. I didn’t ask her to. My friend directed me to this forum a few days ago. I had no idea it existed. Most of what I read is spot on. She is a charlatan. She stops at nothing to promote herself and she is hastily paying to renew her “license,” if that is even true, because she was too cheap or lazy to keep it current. She is “teaching” nerve release techniques to people that are not certified bodyworkers, but they ARE capable bulldogs (or flying monkeys.) She has garnered close to a half mil (oh and by her statement, her husband was able to quit his job and go to work for her) off FB. Nothing she is doing is new. Nothing is new under the sun, in fact. You can sit in a two hour lecture and learn all you need to know about biomechanics with Gerd Heuschmann and he is not crazy!!! Her little “pillar exercises” are easy and seriously, working your horse in turns on the forehand and hindquarters and proper shoulder in does the same thing. I absolutely refused to have her at my farm with Katherine Lowry (her “sister”, some more made up [edit]) this June and now I have told Katherine she is not welcome either and the clinic is cancelled. All the while with Celeste saying she won’t “allow” her “trainers” to come to my farm. No. Witch. They are not welcome.
I appreciate the listen and if anyone wants messages or emails that back up everything I say, they are available. [Edit] Carry on. She is spiraling out of control and showing her ass. I am not a “lonely woman.” I am a smart woman with a legit summa cum laude degree in psychology, minor in sociology and English and number one in a class of 1300 to boot at the age of 47, now almost 66 with enough money to bury her ass. Bring it.


Thank you for sharing my FB posts. It needed to be done. You are not the one. I am. She clearly knows it. And she has made a serious serious error coming after me.


@kduplantis I have zero dog in this fight and wouldn’t even know about this woman of it weren’t for this COTH thread, but I kind of want to see you sue in her small claims for the prorated remainder of your masterclass subscription and call the AG/consumer protection folks about this situation (because cancelling access without refunding the access fee just irks me). And perhaps the massage licensing folks would be curious to see her self promotion activities during the time period when her license was not active? I know that in my field, referring to yourself as the thing if you are not a dues paying, active member of the the thing in good standing is mui mal and absolutely no bueno.

I’m just saying you seem motivated and these are ideas.


I am sorry that me sharing those (public) comments made her come after you, that was not my intent :frowning: but I am glad you are here to set the record straight.


Like everyone’s favorite pot-bellied Italian homunculi, she made the mistake of making excessive, check-list claims about her background and experience as a horsewoman, to make herself appear as though she was credible and belonged in front of a live audience, willing to pay her for her self-named secrets. Unlike the aforementioned homunculi, her act was built on a poor foundation - instead of wet sand - and she actually put some effort into making herself seem legit and she apparently pulled it off quite well for a time, until she got more and more attention and that’s not something charlatans want, because the more they are seen, the more people see that they don’t add up and she definitely didn’t add up in the end, because she really offered nothing to support her self-assumed position of knowledge holder and experienced provider of the self-named bio-mechanical diggety-donk she was peddling to those women.


I snorted coffee out my nose - thanks :rofl: