Thoughts on "The Traveling Horse Witch?"

It is difficult, nay, impossible to accept something which has not been offered.

Instead of offering what in her mind might be considered hush money (the refund), the travelling horse witch has just continued to fuel the fire. Now, instead of a few of us discussing the “program” and one person coming to say she had a terrible business experience with Celeste Leilani, we now have a couple more that have shown up to say that person is not the only one that has been shafted by the witch.

This bad-light thread may have died by now if the travelling horse witch’s business practices were less shady than her laying on of hands stuff.


No, but like, what are you trying to achieve?

You’ve just basically stated that there is nothing CLL can do to resolve your issues with her, short of getting in the way back machine and changing past actions.

It’s obvious that you were kicked out for raising legitimate questions about her credentials. That sucks. We all get it and we can all see that’s what happened.

But what resolution would be acceptable to you?
What would make a shitty situation less shitty?

Given that These Things Have Happened, what is your wish for Where We Go From Here?

Just living perpetually in the state of Having Been Wronged (and we hear you and agree) with no resolution possible is a no win situation.

We’ve pretty much all agreed with you that the way you were treated was shitty and a poor business practice. We’ve pretty much all agreed that credentials were inflated that shouldn’t have been, and that you were unfairly kicked out of a group that you paid for as a result. So ok, where do we go from here? Is the only thing that will make you happy riling up a counter mob on COTH and creating a social media lynch mob that’s on your team this time?

I personally would love to see CLL give you your money back and publicly state that she will be more careful with her credentials claims going forward. But you’ve stated that it’s not about the money and you’re mad that you were kicked out. Well, do you want back in? I’m guessing no. Do you want your money back, then? Also no. A public apology??

You say you will tell the truth “over and over and over as necessary.” So what’s “necessary”, then? We’ve already pretty much all agreed with you and validated your position.

What is the goal post at which time you will feel like the truth has been told enough times and you can go back to your farm and your friends and clients and consider this situation as done as it’s going to get?


I think it’s perfectly fine to say “at this point there is no restitution or refund that would make up for what’s happened or the fact that I’ve been doxxed and threatened on line. I am here to raise awareness and hopefully other people will not fall into the trap. Also I will quietly cheer when the whole house of cards collapsed and continue to warn others when she morphs into a new scam.”

At the same time for your own sanity you need to pull back emotionally and realize that once you’re out of the drain swirl of this particular group there’s about nothing they can do to you. Block them all and continue with life.

Performing your own vulnerability here too much then plays into allowing the group to continue victimizing you. They are a bunch of nobodies and they are not going to turn up at your farm for clinics unconnected to this circus. Go on your own way, do your thing, and move on.

There is a current thread of thought that makes crimes and misdemeanors worse somehow if they’ve caused great harm to their victims. This can truck us into performing our victim hood in order to stress how bad someone was.

But the behavior described here is equally bad whether you shrug and walk away, or whether it leaves you paranoid and miserable. The behavior here is enough that no one who reads this thread will ever go near THW because the risks outweighs the benefits. So now you need to work on you, figure out how to move past them and stop fearing them. Because this is just online bullying. THW is not going to turn up to a clinic at your place with guns.


I can say that I had seen this thread title and never opened it, until this time it was bumped up again and I decided to open it to se what the heck the big deal was. I am sure I am not the only one who would have missed the whole thing if the thread had not continued on for so long.

In other words, you are so very right.


I have thought long and hard wether to voice my side and have followed this thread for a while now.
If her minions come after me like they did after Karen and anyone that stands in her way I hope this platform will offer some protection.
She is ruthless at coming after anyone that questions her.
She is spectacular at playin the victim
She has broken my horses
Her methods are dangerous because she really doesn’t know what she is doing but is very good at putting on a show.
People cant ask or disagree in the group
The group itself is akin to a sorority or high school mob
What she she teaches is not new but missing all the important parts to protect the horse.
She has no experience which is very evident when things go wrong.
It’s all a facade she is an instagram personalty and defiantly not in it for the horse.

Hard life lesson to earn.


What are you envisioning from us, here?

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How did she wreck your horse?


They became angry and aggressive and incredibly stiff particularly and didn’t want to do the work.


A safe place to tell the truth


But that won’t keep you safe from online bullying and doxxing. We can offer a platform, we don’t offer protection. Block them all and don’t let them connect your alter and IRL ID

There are many trolls that it’s not worth engaging with online

Would love to hear more about the treatment and results, since that’s central to the whole question.


I think she means the protection of anonymity, as opposed to Facebook/Insta


I am so very sorry :frowning: I had a bad feeling we were eventually going to read about someone’s horse being broken by the travelling horse witch.


I read this as horsehorse1 simply wants to be able to talk about this, which they have not been able to do elsewhere.


I am deeply sorry you and your horses have had to suffer. Hugs and healing to you. :heart:


I haven’t wanted to say anything too specific for fear of becoming a target myself (I am thankful for the anonymity here as I am able to share my experience without the consequence of bullying).

CLL did harm my horse with her nerve release. It was just shy of half a year before my horse returned to normal, there was nothing wrong with my horse prior, I was simply curious and it seemed harmless enough at the time. (I was also gaslit to believe something was wrong with my horse at the time, but that’s a whole other can of worms).

It wasn’t safe to speak up about it in the group, clearly, after witnessing numerous mob attack on others for far less “grievances” over the months, within the group and outside. I stayed quiet and distanced myself, not wishing to feed drama or initiate a cyberbully attack against myself or the professionals who confirmed the injury on my horse. Because this group is malicious and will stop at nothing to bash and attack anyone, as was evident by the numerous attacks on Veterinary accounts and pages.

It was too easy to think maybe I wasn’t seeing things accurately because this group is so loud on Facebook. It is easy to feel like you’re going a bit crazy… until recently when a friend informed me of this thread, and this community has offered countless validations, and confirmed my experience is not just some crazy one-off. I know I am not alone as I’ve discussed with countless others between then and now about similar experiences in private.

If this thread offers myself, and Karen, and all the others silently reading, anything. It is validation of our experience above all else, and it’s healthy to be able to talk about these things in a space such at this where bullying is called out, and logic prevails. It is a breath of fresh air comparatively.

I believe that is the only viable thing that can be gained if you’re looking for a plausible motivation for sharing. Validation of one’s experience as real.


Thank you. No one can possibly understand the effects of such toxicity, but being able to speak out helps.


I just invented a new thing

Munchausen’s Syndrome by Clinician.

It might be more common than we think.


Witchy’s flying monkeys had the audacity to hunt down and harass the fb pages and websites of actual equine veterinarians? Who graduated college? And have training? And credentials?

Good lord. :roll_eyes:


Oh my! Except instead of creating fictitious illnesses with people, it’s horses… and horses can’t talk.

Genius if you think about it, but the ramifications… my brain can’t even process.

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Birth Trauma anyone?

Talk about something that IS a credible diagnosis in its own right, but unless diagnosed at birth, it would be extremely difficult to actually prove or disprove that is what’s ailing an adult or aged horse.