Thoughts on "The Traveling Horse Witch?"

Historical observation lead me to believe that it is so often the first early adopter, of any pop up social media method, to speak up about the missing emporesses clothes more often than not, becomes the scapegoat that fuels fictitious victim stories laden in performative vulnerability.

And that turned into one incredibly long sentence…


Did you first gain your horse’s consent before placing balloons about her face?


This is all MLM territory. Question the Magick Supplement and get attacked and shamed. MLMs also attract the personality types that work well like this.

If you keep your audience riled up they become emotionally invested in you and less likely to ask questions. Also like all scams it’s a test to keep the most vulnerable and gullible. The smart clients will quietly drift away and the rest will be invested enough to pay $5000 for online chat sessions.

I am going to hazard s guess that these kinds of fake horse programs, like MLMs and romance scams in different ways, are designed to attract in the first place people who are going to be vulnerable to the message, charisma and Magick. They may also be vulnerable to abuse by the practitioner once they are emotionally invested. Abuse IMHO includes being roped in as a flying monkey to attack unsatisfactory clients. Anyhow the smarter clients that pop in will take a good look and fade out. Some may try to distance themselves from the cray cray and try to get “the benefits” without the drama, but eventually they will find that the drama is the core idea because the drama is the thing that hooks the vulnerable people who will eventually pay money.

Haven’t we all seen perfectly average local trainers develop an intense cult of personality through manufacturing drama and bad mouthing the rest of the world? It absolutely works and if your avatar client is “vulnerable and needy,” it’s a great filter.


No, and she was not scared - she was PISSED.

Tough nuts little lady! Balloon Theory ™ is not easy, but we just have to plow through it.

(every day I’m working on desensitizing because I am tired of her spooks lol)

ETA: AND I made her watch when I popped all 15 balloons with a knife. Poor girl!


Okay. That’s it!
I’m suing you. I hate balloons! Even the thought of balloon popping sends me into an anxiety spiral!

My blue chip lawyers will be sending you the paperwork soon.

I want trillion zillion dollars and not a penny less!


You have hit the nail squarely on the head.

I have been privy to many screenshots of this exact behavior from CLL in private chats specifically. If I had permission to share them here I would, but out of respect for the privacy of those who shared with me in confidence, given the revealing nature of the screenshots, it is not my place.


OMG - that poor poor poor traumatized abused pony!! She had to witness the violent slaughter of innocent balloons.

[really - she’s SO cute]

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Don’t worry, I asked her beforehand if she consented to be witness to the balloon murders.


:rofl: :rofl:

It certainly doesn’t help me that no one else is coming forward about this TW. I am barely keeping my head above water and feel very alone in this.


So most people when they are in the drain swirl of something like this react in two ways.

They buy into the drama because conflict makes them feel vital, needed and energized, until they become the victim. Conflict is the fastest way to create an in group feeling.

Or they sense the crazy and back out quietly without attracting attention and then block the lot of them.

Few people actually ever go to SM about these things, just back out and watch the implosion from a safe vantage point.

A few people get caught by the drama before they fully understand how nuts it is, and have nothing to lose by coming forward.


May I ask how you have become so knowledgeable on this topic of MLMs, brainwashing, and the inevitable fallout? No need to give specifics, curiosity is killing the cat here. I ask because the magnitude of clarity you have on the topic is impressive. @Scribbler

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Ah go to YouTube and watch the videos by ex MLM huns. I binge watched a bunch one summer until it all started sounding the same.

I watched this series for a while, she gets lots of evidence of how the MLM folk instruct each other and she was in it big time for a while. Jessica Hickson. Once you watch one, YouTube starts recommending more of the same!

I also have an ongoing interest in how women misbehave in groups, barn and other drama, and how to avoid…

Everything on the anti MLM videos jives with what I’ve experienced with narcissist behavior in real life, and seems like it’s purpose built to reward that behavior.


Lol, her big plan to not feed the negative energy is to create a Facebook lynch mob, write long posts on Facebook claiming victimhood and riling up her core supporters, take pics of her Pinterest quality guns, and send her minions to participate in and continue a several hundred post thread on the matter? All of that, but definitely under no circumstances just give the money back and STFU about it?

Oh okay.

What a hill to die on.


Just be aware that you may have caused PTBTSD (Post Traumatic Birth Trauma Stess Disorder) to surface, which will require my speshul brand of horsey nervous wreck relaxation techniques, plus a one-on-one consultation with my majikal equine ouija board.

If this rehabilitation fails, I will be left to do the only humane thing possible: confiscate your pretty horse to save her further distress. Plus, her white chin will no doubt allow her to be registered as a pinto, making her a perfect candidate for my personal stable. :sunglasses:


On the other hand, you’ve come back to this thread several times, and that’s fine, but what would actually make you happy at this point? Is there anything that CLL and her crew could do at this point to make you feel like you’ve been heard and you can now all continue on your separate paths?

If she gives you your $150 back and promises publically to be more forthright about her credentials going forward, would that be enough?

Because if there is literally no capitulation or resolution that you will accept, then there is very little point of you continuing to return to this thread again and again and continuing to feed the drama.

Just an observation.


I hear there’s a majikal liquid to solve PTBTSD…



… hopefully not mine.


Psst, quick go back and edit your language! Surely you meant Balloon Theory ™ Release Wand.

If you continue to make such egregious errors of your own trade marked language, your followers will get a glimpse behind the curtain (where you sit re-labelling dollar store pocket knives for resale at horse-board paying profits) and leave in droves! Oh hang on, no worries, the people that have already bought your trinkets have bought in and will do about anything to save their “investment” and whatever remains of the dignity they once thought they had.


Wow. I really don’t know what to say. I didn’t start this thread. I am actually a victim of this crazy person. I said exactly what would “make me happy”. I don’t need to repeat it. I do not consider myself to be “feeding the drama.” But if you do, I can’t change that. I will reiterate: it is not about $150. It is about being kicked out of a group I had a right to be in for “breaking a rule” and not being told what rule I “broke.” Whether I suspect why she did it or not is moot. She is not a “business woman.” She is a shark feeding off the weaknesses of others. And is this not a public forum? Am I being dismissed? For telling the truth. Over and over and over and over as necessary.


I use the masterson method daily and can say, it was game changer for all my horses and especially helped my mare with a severely sore back from racing recover. It’s amazing and the horses love it.