Thoughts on this--back and feet

There’s a horse I’ve been interestested in, very long story. Couldn’t get in to see her, now I know why, she’s bones. Very nicely bred WB, her older pictures are gorgeous. I has someone take a peek today (non horse person) because i don’t live in the area. Give me your thoughts on these two photos. This is supposed to be a fancy WB with a fancy price tag. Now she looks more like a rescue. I think the feet just haven’t been cared for but that bump on her spine, thoughts? IMG_6088 IMG_6094

Nevermind, was in a rush with all of this and other things going on today. Her pelvis is slightly tilted compared to her 2 yr old sales photo. While the tilt and bump may not be huge, they are there. Something has happened to this poor girl. She was a NICE 2 yr old, got in the wrong hands and now she’s a mess. Breaks my heart. I was willing to pay some good cash for this horse if all was what it seemed but it is farrrr from that. I’ll go take a look in person just so I don’t wonder but I doubt I’ll do more than look and walk away. Taking a friend so I don’t make a pitty purchase!