THR Riders..Tell Me??

Had my surgery today, THR and everything went great.
Still have an epidural in , so I’m feeling no pain.:smiley:

You will be back in the saddle before you know it ~

You will be if not already ~ glad you had it done :yes: ~ PT very beneficial and soon you will be able in the saddle :cool: ~ have your PT ( when you are ready) simulate an exercise for you “getting back in the saddle” from a mounting block ~ helped me immensely ~ Good Luck any questions just ask >>> had mine 1-17-05~ :smiley:

Post op 7 days and feeling a lot of pain. Doc has me on Morphine, which helps with PT.

Wow. Glad you are on the other side:D

I was on Perocet and then a few weeks later oxycodone. now I am on tramadol
keep us posted:)


Mtngirl…you have done very well to say the least!! Congrats!! Will you be having the other hip replaced in time??

Someone privately emailed me from here…and I lost that email…can you please resend me an email so we can talk about “hips & horses”!!?


How long is the pain expected to last? I’m going on two wees post op and still having severe pain.

Cfour: Thanks! Yes, I’m sure the other hip will have to be done eventually…I have huge bone spurs on it and it is definitely wearing badly, but so far it’s not bad enough to replace…yet. Judging from the way it feels, I’m guessing within the next three to five years.

Recovery and pain varies so much from person to person. Honestly, I took the Percocet more because I was terribly bruised and sore. I actually hurt less after the surgery than I did before. For me the major milestone for pain/discomfort was at about the three week point. About the time when the bruising starts to really go away. If you’ve ever had a chance to view a THR surgery, you’d understand. It’s not a gentle procedure! :no:

How long is the pain expected to last? I’m going on two wees post op and still having severe pain.[/QUOTE]

At 12 weeks I feel I have started down the home stretch. I am almost 15 weeks now.

Yeah, has the surgery, could not watch the whole thing!