THR Riders..Tell Me??

9 weeks ago I had bilateral THR’s posterior approach. I have large ceramic balls with metal & poly cups.

Can you share your “getting back” in the saddle experiences with me if you have had a THR (S) please?

Anything I can do to prepare?

How long was it before you rode again?

I rode last in the fall pre op, but the pain was too great and stopped me.

I have a wooden saddle rack and I am finding swinging my leg over the cantle of the saddle not yet possible even on a mounting block. I dare not try to mount my pony until this is improved.

I have had PT and it is over now, so that is not an option. The PT and the surgeon’s PA say I am doing better than average in my healing.

I can ride now, as long as I have a quiet horse to ride and I do, according to the surgeon, however HE prefers I wait until 6 mos. post op just to be safe and can never say riding will be safe, CYA (we all know that).

I have an aged 1/2 Arab, walk/trot large pony…when I am ready to canter again I will have to change mounts.

I am eager to hear the good, the bad & the ugly!:yes:


I’m due to have my right hip replaced in two weeks. My doctor told me I would have to wait at least three months, before riding again.
Maybe you just need a little more time to heal?
Please keep us updated on your progress.:slight_smile:

Do you know what you are having put in?

My surgeon is worried about a fall.

I practiced mounting a wooden saddle rack tonight and swinging my leg over without the saddle.

Good luck & let us know how you do too!!


C4…I was ‘allowed’ to start back at 3, but didnt feel well enough till 4 months.

And it wasnt till almost 6 months that I could stand on the replacement leg (left) and swing the right over the cantle to get on.

Getting off the first few times was iffy - fortunately I was on a VERY quiet horse.

Western saddle, I’m still iffy getting off at 8 months.

First ride I had somebody do a ‘pony ride’ to make sure I had some balance. I still havent tried cantering (horse isnt the smoothest in the world), and have some pain at nite if I manage to get my hips open.

Right now, I’m using the tailgate of a truck for a mounting block…

Do you have bilateral hips or one?

I am using an endurance saddle, basically western w/o a horn.

Are you still doing any PT excercises at home?


Do you know what you are having put in?

My surgeon is worried about a fall.

I practiced mounting a wooden saddle rack tonight and swinging my leg over without the saddle.

Good luck & let us know how you do too!!


My surgeon is going with ceramic ball and heavy duty plastic, for the socket.
He wasn’t comfortable with “metal” parts and I just read, Johnson & Johnson recalled their metal hip parts.:eek:

C4…I was ‘allowed’ to start back at 3, but didnt feel well enough till 4 months.

And it wasnt till almost 6 months that I could stand on the replacement leg (left) and swing the right over the cantle to get on.

Getting off the first few times was iffy - fortunately I was on a VERY quiet horse.

Western saddle, I’m still iffy getting off at 8 months.

First ride I had somebody do a ‘pony ride’ to make sure I had some balance. I still havent tried cantering (horse isnt the smoothest in the world), and have some pain at nite if I manage to get my hips open.

Right now, I’m using the tailgate of a truck for a mounting block…[/QUOTE]

Six months, are you kidding me? I go through withdrawals after six days of not riding.:eek::eek:

Use a taller mounting block…

Honestly, if you’re having problems getting that leg over the cantle, then get higher up. There’s no shame in it. You do what you gotta do. Find a higher place to mount from or get a taller mounting block. You may also need to switch to a flatter seated saddle temporarily as well.

I only had one hip replaced, but prior to that, I was having great difficulty getting my right leg over the cantle. For awhile, raising the left stirrup (I ride Dressage so that’s easier to do than with Western styles) up and using a taller mounting block helped. Eventually the joint started locking up and I had to give up riding for about 6 months, but after the THR all that went away.

I was back doing full lessons at 12 weeks. Mine was a posterior approach, and yes, I’ve had one fall (18 months post-op) and it was everything else that hurt…not the hip.

Keep doing the PT exercises on your own…adding a little more each week and pushing the “stretch” a little more as well. It simply take time to heal and get things stretched back out. You’ll get there!

I mounted from the ‘wrong’ side for about 6 weeks in my dressage saddle. I could stand on the right and swing the left OK - it was standing on the left and swinging the right that was the issue (I have extra scar tissue 'cause I had 2 ops on the left leg, I think).

Putting the western saddle on made the saddle just enough higher that I couldn’t get the leg over from the mounting block - which is when I went to mounting from the truck bed.

Have just started back on my own horse - which is a pony. Him I’m getting on OK.

C4 - I’m still doing exercises at home - but I’m pretty much an exercise freak anyway.

Since you had a bi-lat, I’m not suprised that your doc wants you to wait till 6 months. You don’t have a ‘good side’ to take up the slack. 6 months is about when the femoral component gets well attached to the bone.

Thanks everyone!!

I did not want metal either!! Not such great reports on the metal on metal currently…our village clerk has metal on metal…

I was happy w/ the large ceramic balls and the poly on metal cups.

I was told I should get 30 yrs. out of them …they will most likely out last me!

True, I do not have a good leg…I am uncemented… I was wondering if the surgeon was waiting for the bone to grown into the componments too…

For now I will keep working on mounting w/ my mounting block on the wooden saddle rack with my endurance saddle. I am a plus sized rider and do not have another saddle I fit into right now. The cantle is not terribly high…synthetic saddle.


I have a bad ankle, not hip, but this has been a great help mounting

I have 3 step mounting block made out of a hard plastic…

I mounted yesterday:D

I used the 3 step mounting block. It was not hard at all and it did not hurt!!

I just sat a few minutes then dismounted.

Surgeon does not want me to ride until Dec. (6 mos post op):mad:


At least now I know I can get on and off and sit the saddle w/out pain!! Problem is I WANT TO RIDE!! I want to enjoy the autumn colors!! AHHHHH!!



Kudos, at least you’re in the saddle with no pain.:smiley:

Kudos, at least you’re in the saddle with no pain.:D[/QUOTE]

“At least”…now I wait…thanks

Cfourhorses: I know exactly how you feel. I got back on my horse for the first time at about 7 weeks post op. I walked (with my trainer with me), posted trot just a little, sat a few trot steps…and got off bawling my eyes out and hugging my horse. Why?

Because despite everyone’s assurance that I’d be able to ride again, until I actually DID it, without pain, I really didn’t believe it would happen. The tears were of pure joy and relief. Yes I got on much sooner than my doctor approved…but it was a supervised, controlled situation and provided a much needed emotional and mental boost to my self-esteem and healing.

Hang in there. Keep doing the PT and when the time comes, you’ll find your riding will be even better than before!

MTNGIRL…that is great!!!:smiley:
Are you riding now?
How long did your Dr. want you to wait?:confused:
I felt the exact same way!!:yes:


Congratulations about getting back in the saddle ~ review that other thread you started a year ago it had lots of Good stories about riding after THR ~

Cfour: Yes, I am riding now…averaging 3-5 times a week, depending on the weather and my work schedule. I do dressage, trails, don’t jump (never did…just too much of me to balance ).

Doctor wanted me to wait 12 weeks…I didn’t. I’m not a very good patient. I got on at 7 weeks just to see if I could get on…at 9 weeks I was doing so well otherwise I just couldn’t stand it, and started doing walk work with a bombproof steady eddy Arab I had. That helped me to stretch out some muscles, work on balance etc. At 10 weeks I started back riding my Appy at the walk and added some trot…at 12 weeks I was back to a full lesson of W/T/C. I made sure there was always someone there with me and it was as controlled a situation as possible.

No. I don’t recommend people follow my lead…I just did uncommonly better than most. My case is not typical.

I’m 21 months post-op and haven’t had any problems with my TRH hip (now the arthritis in my back and my OTHER hip, is a different story), My biggest regret is that I didn’t have the surgery done sooner. I waited far too long and endured too much pain etc. TRH made me able to ride again, and THAT made a huge difference in my life for the better.

Hang in there. It does get better.