Thread closure criteria. Mod request

What is the criteria for this? What has to happen? Attacking other countries who are COTH members?
More? Less?
On the recently closed book thread, were some of the same people posting,requesting closure? I am not asking identity, just a question. There were numerous attempts to close that thread by posters who do the same. Thing. Every. Time.

people may have an opinion on this, but I need to hear from a mod.

Thank you in advance.

You did hear from a mod, last post in the thread: “General political commentary”.


The same group of posters turn every thread they’re on into a political commentary.


Mod 1 has explained this over and over again.
Why is asking one more time necessary.

They are not going to take the time to moderate threads that are just political banter back and forth and they are not allowing threads that are nothing but a political commentary.

That was not a book thread, it was a political thread about a book.


As an aside, IMO, the moderators can close any thread they want, any time they want and they are not obligated to provide the readers with a reason :slight_smile:

I’m usually pretty satisfied when threads are closed because the mod does normally post a reason. :slight_smile:


In case you didn’t have the opportunity to read this sticky, hopefully it will help clarify.

Mod 1