Thread Question - Help?

Not really a technical question, but …

I really need to get some feedback about feeding my older kitty and would love to ask fellow kitty-keeping COTHers what they feed, blood protein levels, etc.

But I can’t figure out how to make it horse related cuz it’s about a house cat not a barn cat.

We’ve been having so many great OT days lately–do you know when there’s gonna be another? Or could I post one thread for feedback? Older kitty’s vet wants her switched to a senior diet but younger kitty’s vet (different vet) does NOT want younger kitty on that diet and I would love to know who feeds senior diets, who doesn’t, and who knows more than I do about BUN (Blood Urea Nitrosomething) levels.

I bet there just might be an alternative activity for those COTHers not interested in supporting Hallmark this coming Monday… :wink:

Or folks who read this message can send you a PM!

Thanks. :slight_smile: