Anyone know anything about this book? The pictures of famous horses are beautiful. What are good books for learning about thoroughbred blood lines (including more recent years). I’m interested in learning about my mares lineage and also TBs in general as I love the breed. My mares JC name is A True Angel. There is a picture of her ancestor Ribot, in the book. Thanks in advance for your wisdom on the topic.
I love old books! I’ve never seen that one (though I just looked it up on amazon). It always makes me wonder how it ended up in a thrift store nearly 50 years after publication (death in the family, probably, and someone cleaning out an older relative’s things). The book must have been special to someone for it to have been kept all this time.
A more current book about bloodlines that might interest you is THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED by Edwin Anthony. The information is great, though I do wish it had more pictures.