Throwing myself a pity party...

I thought I had everything planned out, get a seasons riding in, move up to 2nd level, finish feeling great THEN get knee replaced. Things were going well, but now it hurts when I ride, not sure if it is just degeneration, or if more riding, and more intense riding has done it.

i hadn’t mentioned this new development to my coach, but 5 mins in yesterday she stopped me and asked out right. “You’re hurting aren’t you?”

So working out new plans…thinking about stepping down to training and first…giving up on second, for now. Thinking about how many tests I ride in a day, just getting a path to get me to the fall.

And, of course, at the same time I pointed out that The Wonder Horse did not feel right…a first she couldn’t see it, but there is something, a little stiffness, a something, a nothing?

So, while I’m grateful that I CAN ride, I’m kind of pissed that it’s no longer pain free…

Having a party…on my own…not even a bottle of vodka…

Aww, I’m sorry. Sometimes things just Suck. Tons of sympathy from me. My back is my limiter, just when I get feeling good and able, it’s time to go to work again, and then it’s days of pain again.

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We work around our limitations and it is ok.
At least we are upright and even getting a bit done.

Hope those in pain will find relief.


Hang in there and hope the bumps in the road smooth out soon

We make plans and the horse gods laugh…enjoy what you can do and take care of that knee

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i am entirely grateful, that in the grand scheme of things my limitations are small…I know there are those who would love to be as mobile and able to do as much as I currently can…

Usually i’m Upbeat about what I can, rather than down about what I can’t…

Being horse people, we usually just suck it up and suffer in silence, lest someone suggest that maybe we shouldn’t ride… which we all know is a laughable impossibility. It’s mentally unsettling to us when we actually have to admit to ourselves that maybe we should back off it a bit.

I hope that you and the wonderhorse are both OK–maybe your knee is just flaring in the heat (that’s what I would tell myself, anyhow.)