Tibial plateau fracture of knee

Anyone had one? How soon after surgery were you mobile? Riding? Thanks!

I had a Non-Displaced Tibial Plateau Fracture in 1984 - My doctor was conservative so there was no surgery. I had a full leg cast for 6 weeks then soft cast - non weight bearing for another 4 weeks. My PT was a stationary bicycle ridden many miles a day - beginning with when I got the removable soft cast. I do have some arthritis in the joint but have full range of motion and have had no problems riding.

My doctor did cut about 7 inches of the cast from the knee area after 3.5 weeks and put a set of hinges on the cast. From that point on I worked on bending the knee and was up to about 35 degrees of bend prior to the cast being removed. I am convinced the early return to joint motion contributed significantly to my recovery.

I had a Non-Displaced Tibial Plateau Fracture last October, so no surgery for me. I was in a locked brace from my hip to my ankle from October until mid January (14 weeks). I was completely non-weight bearing for 10 weeks and the last 4 weeks I was partial weight bearing. Longest 14 weeks of my life!
My goal was to ride by my birthday at the end of January, I missed it by a day because of snow. Two weeks after starting back I went on a six mile trail ride at Shaker Village and a couple of weeks after that I rode in a two day dressage clinic, I was quite sore but made it through just fine with the help of a Back on Track knee brace and lots of Advil. I waited until the middle of March to jump (I never thought I would be so happy to jump 2 feet!). I did end up having to buy a new jumping saddle because the one I had cause me extreme pain in my knee every time I rode in it after my accident. By the end of May competed in a recognized horse trial with very little pain.

My best suggestion is to take it slow and don’t let anyone rush you into jumping or anything too early because it does hurt! Cantering is ALOT easier then trotting, work without stirrups is a great way to ride while taking the weight off your leg, and Royal Rider Flex Stirrups will become your new best friend!:yes:

Also be careful to protect your knee when lunging or walking on uneven ground, I unfortunately was not careful about this and am now back to only walking, a small amount of trotting and a good amount of cantering :frowning: Hopefully I will bounce back soon, doctor says I need more strength in my quads to keep it from happening again.

Good Luck with your recovery!

I had a tibial plateau fracture, ORIF in 11/09, 2 plates 14 screws. I was non weight bearing until 2/10, and tried to get back on in 5/10. Not successful, only because I developed lymphedema in the operated leg, and had to go thru compression therapy. Started riding in September, (couldn’t post) but could hack out/canter. Attended and rode all three days of the Bill Mills trailride in October. Not great – but bearable. Had a meniscus tear in 1/11, arthroscopy in 4/11, rode briefly before total knee replacement in 7/11. I would suspect if yours is non-displaced you should be riding in 3-4 mos.

This is regarding my husband. He also had his ACL replaced and 2 screws put in the fracture. 4 -6 months no riding sound about right?

I had a tibial plateau fracture with surgery (1 plate, 7 screws) May 2010. I was non-weight bearing for 9 weeks and probably sat on a horse a few times at 3 months post surgery. It just never felt good. My thigh didn’t sufficiently strengthen to be able to ride.

This past summer I’ve been doing a lot of stationary bike/health rider/elliptical machine work and I finally feel mostly back to normal. It still hurts, but MUCH better. I’d be riding if it wasn’t 101 degrees every day.