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Tickets, how to bring

The only options I see are printing them or transferring them to an Apple wallet, which I don’t have. I’m used to Rolex type tickets, which are fairly stout and you have one for each day. But I don’t see my paper copies lasting several days, especially with sudden thunderstorms. I assume we’ll have to shown them every time we go to our seats. I plan to be in and out a fair amount during dressage (eating, shopping, watching warmup if that’s allowed) so I definitely don’t want them to become damaged. Anyone have any suggestions?

Two ideas:

  1. I printed copies of my tickets (one for each day, I am a week one pass so total of five days) and will put them individually in a plastic ziplock bag (8.5" x 11") bag. I can then put a ticket for that day into the plastic bag and hopefully it will survive the day in my backpack.

  2. I also have an iPhone so I downloaded the passes/tickets into Notes and iBooks so I can bring it up at any time. I couldn’t figure out how to download them into Wallet - how did you do that one TNeventer?

Android users - not much help here, sorry.

I didn’t, I have android but I saw it was an option. I think it was on the WEG website under my account

No help for Android folk, but for Apple Wallet (which I never use) it was pretty easy.

Open your Tryon2018.com account on your phone, and from the orange menu bar on the left select My Tickets. There’s a tab there that says Add To Apple Wallet. Click that and you should be good to go.

(I’m still printing out hard copies though, and have it saved elsewhere on my phone too because I don’t trust any of it! :stuck_out_tongue: )

I’m not going but I put tickets for everything on Apple Wallet, plane tickets, Amtrak, Ticketmaster, movie theatre, etc. As saje described, it couldn’t be easier and no one ever forgets their phone whereas once I flew all the way to Lexington only to discover I had left our tickets (for a small group) at home. :frowning:

There is an instructional video on the official Tryon2018 website on how to download tickets onto your Apple wallet. It’s pretty easy, even for the technology challenged.