Time to try a leg sweat? Feel like I'm overlooking something obvious

Bare with me on this- the background is going to be a little long winded.

My mare must have picked a fight late Sunday or sometime Monday morning, because when I got out to the barn Monday afternoon after work she had a quarter sized scrape on the outside of her RH and significant filling from hock to fetlock on both the inside and outside of the leg. Think sausage, rather than nice tight leg.
Hmm. Cold hosed (Which is a joke because our waterline is 6 inches below the ground- so more like tepid hosed) Felt the leg up, maybe seemed a little hot, but hard to tell since its been so hot in Florida already this year. Popped her in the round pen for 2 laps and she wasn’t off or lame.

So me, being the long suffering horse owner that I am went out and got ice, back to the barn and iced it for 30 minutes. No change. Alright, that’s fine maybe it’ll look better in the morning, right? I slathered it in the Sore-No-More Performance Ultra Clay and turned her out into the pasture, hoping the movement would take the swelling down.
Out to the barn before work the next morning, still the same. Cold hosed, Iced, covered in Red Edge clay poultice.
Barn after work, same deal- no change. Did it all over again, Texted vet asking if there was anything else I could do for it. (No answer- Which is normal for my vet, they are notorious for not answering)
Same deal next day- No change morning or night, Texted vet again-who finally replied that I could do Banamine or Bute if I wanted to.
Still the same the next day- asked vet if they could come out and possibly ultrasound. No answer.
Switched to liniment over night rather than clay poultice, No change or difference next morning.
Rinse and repeat until this morning, leg is still the same with no difference.

I’m thinking the best thing to do at this point would be to sweat the leg with Furazone/DMSO and see if that makes any change, I don’t want to bother my vet again if I don’t have to, and since my mare isn’t lame it isn’t really an emergency and I’m probably being a little too dramatic about it.
I can’t see sweating hurting anything, but I am a little hesitant in case I’m missing something.
Opinions and ideas welcome, I feel like I’m beating my head against a brick wall here.

Have you wrapped? I read this a couple times and see no mention of a standing wrap.

Try a dry standing wrap before a sweat, especially if it’s hot.


Sorry, forgot to add that I’ve done a compression boot/sock for a few hours with no change. I haven’t wrapped it traditionally though.

A traditional standing wrap can give a lot more compression than the socks, or the “quick wraps”. I’d do that first.


Yeah, that’s not enough. Try a dry standing wrap for 12 or 24 hours. Likely that you’ve have to continue for at least a few days, especially since this edema has hung around for a bit.


Does she have a fever? It seems odd to me that the swelling isn’t going down w turnout and movement. The horses I’ve known w cellulitis have been lame.


Try a dry standing wrap for at least 24 hours, I’d give some bute as an inflammatory.

I’d probably bother my vet over the leg not going down after turnout and have them take a look.

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No fever and acting completely normal.

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I don’t find a hind leg holding onto edema at all weird. It’s never been wrapped and in the summer? Totally what I’d expect. Wrapping this from the outset would’ve likely had it gone in a day or two, but now it might take a little while.


I would have thought it would go down some w turnout….st least, that’s always been my experience.
OP, I’m glad there is no fever and she’s acting formally.

I had one that blew up with every cut like that and typically needed 2-3 days of dry wrapping and then typically 1-2 days of a sweat to get back to normal.


My late ottb was like that and I never saw a difference from cold hosing. He was never off so I would throw a polo wrap on and walk under saddle. His leg almost always went way down afterwards and so I didn’t worry about it. Within a couple of days his leg would be back to normal.

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One of my horses had a small (hair removing only) scrape along the inside of the back leg between fetlock and hock and the lower part of the leg was swollen some.

No lameness, no heat and it came and went for several weeks. I just exercised as usual just way lighter if it was swollen that day and watched it but it finally just went back to normal.

I didn’t do anything.

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I probably wouldn’t sweat if the scrape is raw. But I would try a standing wrap.

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I was going to edit my above response…I just re-read the original post to see if I could think of something else to suggest. I’ve never even been to Florida and live where the nights are always cool. Our horses will sometimes stock up from the heat but go down when it cools off.

That said, I’d probably put a standing wrap on it, too.