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Timothy/ orchard grass needed Southern California


I need to find a hay supplier(s) to get quotes on a shipment of Timothy or orchard grass (or mixed) to Southern California.
Out of state suppliers is fine, provided there is no problem trucking it in.

Need good quality. Also need to know what the minimum order quantity is for best price/ size of bales etc.

Please post here or email bekie2000@aol.com

Thank you!!!

I never used this supplier, I don’t have room for such a big delivery but maybe someday I will find someone to split a load. I keep the number just in case.

Can I ditto this op, but in nor. Cal? I also would prefer to split a large load. I can keep probably two blocks in the summer, but only 1 block (bout 80 large 100 lb bales) in the winter… Let this post know if you have hay! :smiley: