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Tiny saddles, like 13", where the HECK are they?

I bought one from a friend if you are still looking - i don’t have any grandkids yet so I guess I don’t need it

I have a tiny HdR that needs a new home, but obviously haven’t been aggressive enough about advertising, as it sits beside me still. Admittedly, I’m sentimental about it as both the kids learned to ride in it, and it is hard to let go of…

I have a 14" Ian miller and a 14.5 pessoa mardebri@gmail.com

watch the up-down classes at shows and get to know the parents- ask to buy the saddle once it’s outgrown. Also it was wise to post this, as many of us have one stored away someplace. When my daughter was a tot I bought or was given or traded all kids of pony kid stuff. Pay it forward!

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I have a 14" Pessoa that will be ready to go in about 2 weeks.